At the time, I have to confess, I was a pretty smug liberal about it. My first reaction really was, "We brought this on ourselves - our foreign policy has finally come home to us."
I didn't believe anything the administration said about al-Qaeda. I figured that they basically knew fuck all, and were just...
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Oh, wait.
I go into withdrawal just thinking about trying to make it through my days without having access to more books than I can buy myself. I average maybe a book every two or three days, stretched out to a week or more on a few particularly long ones. (For example, Steven Erikson's books usually take me several days.) Even if I were stripping Half-Price Books' bargain section bare of anything remotely readable on a regular basis I think I'd run dry sooner rather than later.
Although you're not alone. I'm amazed how many people I run across who love books, love reading, and appear to never go near libraries. I can sort of understand that with people like my parents (who love to read but rarely have time, therefore don't need to load up on books), but for people who *do* go through books quickly...
I have rent paid, and an interview tomorrow. Today I think I'll buy a pair of new shoes and see The Simpsons Movie.
Life could be worse. And has been, quite recently. Anyway.
And a Happy Lughnasadh to all you heathens in the audience.
My captors continue to taunt me with bizarre little dangling objects. They dine lavishly on fresh meat, while I am forced to eat dry cereal. The only thing that keeps me going is the hope of escape, and the mild satisfaction I get from ruining the occasional piece of furniture.
Tomorrow I may eat another house plant.
Today my attempt to kill my...
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AMERICA, you arthritic, senile old bitch, I love you.
I love jazz and naked women.
I love beefsteaks and single-malt scotch and the whole First World living standard.
I love the Moonshot and the Sexual Revolution.
I love the New Deal, the Great Society, and Brown v. the...
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I seem to have a machine again. More information will be forthcoming in the fullness of time.
It's almost enough to make me want to take my Panzerkampfwagens and go home.
Zarth said:
Mockingbird said:
I'm not entirely sure Bush would start a war what with only about a year left in office. Not that he necessarily runs by that schedule, but it seems that lately he is trying to not cause a fuss. Yes, with the veto of the stem cell research bill again, we can see he has an agenda he's following. Nonetheless... I would hope it didn't come to it. Maybe I'm just being optimistic.
I don't think so either, but the thing is that this whole "liberate-Iran" deal seems to be more of a push by the neocons of PNAC, AEI, etc.. than just the Bush Administration.
Punk. How dare you say what I'm thinking while I'm still typing it?
In the future, the duel will be fought by keyboard.
And so, knowing the wasteful profligacy of life's production, there can be no expectation of the satisfaction even of our merest needs, much less the achievement of any measure of our desires....
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i flexed my literary muscle. i fear the output is weak, but generally accurate.
Now, i just need to find a gay-dating site, and i'm all set.

Bet that's confused you.
As often,...
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Natural world, well, natural world doesn't care, at least now all the big predators are gone. It has to be deliberate to be an enemy.
Corollary from this discussion:
The larger the government, the stronger the opposition.
Which neatly answers the Fermi paradox, doesn't it?