So All you people made beta slow. fuck off and die. I was enjoying my beta, and now it went live, and all the cool features are all slow, and crappy with you all on it. so go away.
i was really digging it untill it went live though, and they haven't fixed a bunch of stuff,a nd it runs slowly. damnm that sucks. Anywho no house the people countered with a higher price than thier asking price. dumbasses. so we're back to square one on the house hunt. but wedding plans are going good. getting lots done, and whatnot. only 13 weeks left or so i'm told. ah well thats all for now. hope you all enjoy the site. you get used to it, and the new features far outweigh the changes once it gets going again anyways. TTFN
I hope your situation goes a lot better than mine.
are you looking IN Ann Arbor or near Ann Arbor?