Party last night went pretty well, besides getting kicked out of our first hotel within an hour or so. They people that own/run it were watching us and seeing how many people went up and such and kicked us out keeping the money and the $100 deposit. Stupid fuckers. The one guy was nice about it though and told me that after they checked the room for damage (which there was none) they'll give me back some of the deposit.
We got a new hotel room (actually 2 rooms this time) and restarted the party.
-People a couple rooms down having *really* loud sex. It made for good entertainment
-Really badly dubbed porn... "I need to get ready because I need to be sexy"
I actually think that's it for highlights... the rest was just average afterparty stuff... I'll post links to some pictures later. I just need to find a place to upload 'em.
Other events from last night:
My friends 4 year old daughter was at the show. She's far too cute. I was playing with her for the most part of the show... mainly 'cause she forced me to...
I fell down in the mosh pit and killed my fingers. I think that if I wasn't double jointed they definitely would have broke.
My school friends were meshing with my scratching post friends really well and not being losers. It was cute and made me love them that much more.
All in all a good time was had by all.
Birthday countdown: 9 days
Bowling countdown: 5 days
We got a new hotel room (actually 2 rooms this time) and restarted the party.
-People a couple rooms down having *really* loud sex. It made for good entertainment
-Really badly dubbed porn... "I need to get ready because I need to be sexy"
I actually think that's it for highlights... the rest was just average afterparty stuff... I'll post links to some pictures later. I just need to find a place to upload 'em.
Other events from last night:
My friends 4 year old daughter was at the show. She's far too cute. I was playing with her for the most part of the show... mainly 'cause she forced me to...
I fell down in the mosh pit and killed my fingers. I think that if I wasn't double jointed they definitely would have broke.
My school friends were meshing with my scratching post friends really well and not being losers. It was cute and made me love them that much more.
All in all a good time was had by all.
Birthday countdown: 9 days
Bowling countdown: 5 days
lots of lovin
Thanks for asking about the band We have some mp3s on our website, although they're pretty old... we should have some new ones soon... but you can check them out if you like
Cherry xx