my finger tips tingle from polaroid chemicals
my mouth tingles from the hot apple cider and mom soup I consumed too quickly two nights ago
my eyes tingle from waking too early and staying up too late
my heart tingles at the thought of new beginnings with a new girl
today you will find me with a smirk on my face and a twinkle in my eyes and fresh air in my lungs.
I know everything will turn out right.
Truism of the moment:
Just Believing something can make it happen
my mouth tingles from the hot apple cider and mom soup I consumed too quickly two nights ago
my eyes tingle from waking too early and staying up too late
my heart tingles at the thought of new beginnings with a new girl
today you will find me with a smirk on my face and a twinkle in my eyes and fresh air in my lungs.
I know everything will turn out right.
Truism of the moment:
Just Believing something can make it happen
we make pretty naked pictures together.
YAY new set
Thanks. Was wondering the other day when your next one would be, I didn't have to wait too long.