My back is fucking killing me.
Who's gonna come over and give me a back massage?
I blame dance class.
My teacher warned us that we would probably be wanting to streach tonight.
It was a great class although strenous (is that how you spell that?)
She ended the class perfectly with us just laying on the floor, relaxing to Mazzy Star....
It was devine.
Then Weezer started blasting through the PA system.
It left me *so* bitter.
I love Weezer, but when I'm happily relaxing to Mazzy Star, I want to remain happily relaxing to Mazzy Star.
In other news, I have a big 3x4 feet painting of my face that I did directly behind me right now.
It's freaking me out.
It feels like I constantly have someone watching me...
I think I'm going to post a picture of it in the artist group as soon as I'm done writing this if you care to see.
Total side note... I've got myself in a bit of a complex, and so I pose this question upon you all.
If you decided to boycott a band that you really liked is it ok to continue to list to their cds that you bought prior to realizing how terrible of people that they are, as long as you no longer go to their shows, buy their merch or get their new cd???
Please help....
Who's gonna come over and give me a back massage?
I blame dance class.
My teacher warned us that we would probably be wanting to streach tonight.
It was a great class although strenous (is that how you spell that?)
She ended the class perfectly with us just laying on the floor, relaxing to Mazzy Star....
It was devine.
Then Weezer started blasting through the PA system.
It left me *so* bitter.
I love Weezer, but when I'm happily relaxing to Mazzy Star, I want to remain happily relaxing to Mazzy Star.
In other news, I have a big 3x4 feet painting of my face that I did directly behind me right now.
It's freaking me out.
It feels like I constantly have someone watching me...
I think I'm going to post a picture of it in the artist group as soon as I'm done writing this if you care to see.
Total side note... I've got myself in a bit of a complex, and so I pose this question upon you all.
If you decided to boycott a band that you really liked is it ok to continue to list to their cds that you bought prior to realizing how terrible of people that they are, as long as you no longer go to their shows, buy their merch or get their new cd???
Please help....
From the sound of it the people deserve boycotting, but the music doesn't necessarily. Burn the cd's and mislabel the new ones. Make it look like they are Spice Girl cd's or something. That way your friends won't see them lying around. Then destroy the originals in front of the evil people, because a boycott is no good if they don't know you are boycotting.
how about i give you a back massage in exchange for that dinner??! it would be fun. and feel good!