Its Sunday and i'm bored!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay I was going to start off with saying something else until I realized that one of my roommates while i was gone broke my hand rest on my keyboard
Anyways I'm about ta go and check out about getting some new ink. Can't wait. Here is a little cutesy joke: There were to muffins sitting in an oven, one muffin turned to the other and said man its hot in here, The other muffin replied HOLY SHIT A TALKEN MUFFIN. I know its bad but it gave me a little chukle

Yep yep. but there is a small issue of religion, so, we will see what happens...LOL
yes sunday sucks...cute joke i have heard t before and it made me laugh too. im sorry to hear abut the dog but hey i dont find it freakish at all to dig t up and move it to another location. if i was the dog im sure i would want my beloved owner to move me instead of having me live with weirdos.