There they go, out the door. First, the sweet lady summer and then, not far behind my girlfriend of the last three years. Although they're not quite gone but definitely packing they're bags. Hey, what can you do? Sometimes things come and go. When you stop kidding yourself and realize that your all going in different directions and the gap keeps getting wider and wider you just better get on with moving on. So the new season starts with a new frame of mind and some me time. I just hope everything works out for everybody. No sense in watching things fester when things are going in the shitter. Anyway i'm glad at least the rain has subsided and the sun has returned to salvage the holiday weekend. I think i've seen enough rain for this season. I just hope the colder, winter may not bring as much percipitation as we've seen. So much for my simply sad song, blah blah.....enjoy the weekend. I certainly don't get enough three day weekends, don't know bout you but i used to live for them. Now it seems like its just more time in between periods of working for the man.....

I'd like to know too. I didn't name it- SG did. 

I'd like to know too. I didn't name it- SG did.