SG got a little makeover. I haven't had the time to check out everything yet but it looks nice and some of the new features are very helpful. I did have difficulty finding my bookmarks but I looked at the boards and quickly found an answer. Apparently I wasn't the only one stumbling around the site looking for their bookmarks. It wasn't hard to find but I've grown accustomed to a clearly marked link saying "BOOKMARKS" appearing in the login area once I've logged in. For anyone reading this and having trouble locating their bookmarks click on the word "HOME" under your name in the login area. I know from what I read on the boards I wasn't the only who didn't think to look there so I don't feel least not completely stupid.
Since I can't think of anything about myself or my life to share right now I'm going to share a short story I heard this weekend. My friend's brother works at a store. A woman came into the store, walked up the the customer service desk and said "I found this in the trash can out front. I don't know what to do with it."
It was a kitten someone had wrapped in a plastic bag and thrown in the garbage.
The woman said she could not take a cat home with her but my friend's brother said he could. The little kitty is healty and now has a new home where it is wanted and loved.
I like the ending of that story.
Since I can't think of anything about myself or my life to share right now I'm going to share a short story I heard this weekend. My friend's brother works at a store. A woman came into the store, walked up the the customer service desk and said "I found this in the trash can out front. I don't know what to do with it."
It was a kitten someone had wrapped in a plastic bag and thrown in the garbage.
The woman said she could not take a cat home with her but my friend's brother said he could. The little kitty is healty and now has a new home where it is wanted and loved.
I like the ending of that story.
can't understand why someone can do that kind of thing... lucky kitten at last!!!