Hi all, to you wonderful guys in here thank you for all the love and support. I know how you love to see my lady bits but I have unfortunately been given a warning about to it on my last post. It's a damn shame things have become this way. You all know I've been here for a long time and never had a problem like this till now. I personally don't agree with the new rule but I guess it is what it is. I will still be around just can't show myself like I used to. Have a great week my puddins.

@kiley I've had pictures on my profile like the ones that got removed. I've never had issues before. In fact the only issue I ever had was with a girl shortly after my last set went live telling me that unless I have a sg photographer take my set I'll never go pink. And that was years ago

@kiley forgot to mention the post was serious members and not public. So if you're telling me it ended up on the main wall I apologize but that's not how I had it set. I don't know why it ended up on front street so i can understand what you're saying. I even checked yesterday and again today still says members