@rambo @missy I just want to say thank you to everyone in the SG. community. All the love and support you have given me over the past year has been amazing. I started off as just a member in 2010 posted here and there. Never thought about becoming a hopeful. Let's face it there are so many beautiful women on here. Last year though after getting comments from followers that I should do a set I figured why not. My first set was rejected but the funny thing is instead of it upsetting me it just drove me to do better. With that my second set was accepted and I was officially a hopeful. I now have 4 sets up and one that goes into MR. In 3 weeks. All I can say is if it wasn't for my followers and SG. as a whole I wouldnt of come out of my shell. So again thank you to everyone. Please continue to show my sets love. If you havent checked them out yet they are linked below. Help me become pink 😘😘
HOLIDAY CHEER , Harley Quinn's getaway , beating the florida heat , and my debut set. Bedroom eyes