Let's write:
Alright, well, it's finally Friday, right guys?
That means absolutely nothing to me.
And with that being said; today was a good day.
Some people who've been taking care of me my whole life are here for the weekend, which is AMAZING, so I guess I lied; it being Friday does mean a lot to me this week.
But every other week; fuck it, Friday can go to hell.
Anyway, back on topic (yeah, right).
This is kinda of a scramble of words, if you can't tell already, and I honestly don't know if I'm going to hit the 'add blog' button at the end of this rant, but if I do..... eh, fuck it, don't want to finish that sentence.
So, if you've read that far, I have no clue to as who the hell you'd be seen as I refuse to believe anyone reads what I write here. Leave a comment, I'd be interested as to who you are.
Hrm, I don't know what the hell a blog is really, but I'm guessing it's a mix between the crap I once wrote on livejournal, and the self-absorbed absurdities exchanged between strangers in order to feel as if there are actually people out there listening to what they have to say, due to the actuality of the situation being that they're too shy to voice an opinion people will take recognition towards because overly compensated frat kids with a major in business are already fulfilling that role for them. Passive aggressive? No; never.
I write right now because I often write rants like this and have over a substantial number saved onto my computer. Difference being, I never write them with the intention of sharing them. So this one I do. And yes, I guess I am going to press that pink and white add blog button. Why not.
Anyhow, I'm actually not angry at all tonight, but have so much bottled within me that it's nice to bleed on the page/screen/alt-porn website's blog box and see what will come of these words. I'm guessing nothing, but what if, right? We can always rely on the 'what if's.'
Well, it's 12:50 and I'm pretty tired, so I'm just going to copy paste something I wrote the other day (something of which I have no idea what it means, so fuck, if someone's reading this and doesn't understand it's meaning, don't think too hard about it) and leave it at that.
Hope all is well with the world.
I don't believe reality to be something commonly perceived by everyone. Reality is something which can be taken by one person and twisted only by them to form what we'd often refer to as real. What then defines the real is only what's perceived, and further, what's perceived can be devoid of reason. So what makes the commonality of reality a necessity in the survival of self? Nothing. Why does the viewpoint of an other's gaze effect you, and hinder self-awareness through nonsense judgement of who you are? The character of self can only be displayed by the self, and in paradigm, reality can only be displayed as a truth if the wielder claims it as so.
Eh, let's tack on a song as well: 'We are your friends' by Justice

Alright, well, it's finally Friday, right guys?
That means absolutely nothing to me.
And with that being said; today was a good day.
Some people who've been taking care of me my whole life are here for the weekend, which is AMAZING, so I guess I lied; it being Friday does mean a lot to me this week.
But every other week; fuck it, Friday can go to hell.
Anyway, back on topic (yeah, right).
This is kinda of a scramble of words, if you can't tell already, and I honestly don't know if I'm going to hit the 'add blog' button at the end of this rant, but if I do..... eh, fuck it, don't want to finish that sentence.
So, if you've read that far, I have no clue to as who the hell you'd be seen as I refuse to believe anyone reads what I write here. Leave a comment, I'd be interested as to who you are.
Hrm, I don't know what the hell a blog is really, but I'm guessing it's a mix between the crap I once wrote on livejournal, and the self-absorbed absurdities exchanged between strangers in order to feel as if there are actually people out there listening to what they have to say, due to the actuality of the situation being that they're too shy to voice an opinion people will take recognition towards because overly compensated frat kids with a major in business are already fulfilling that role for them. Passive aggressive? No; never.
I write right now because I often write rants like this and have over a substantial number saved onto my computer. Difference being, I never write them with the intention of sharing them. So this one I do. And yes, I guess I am going to press that pink and white add blog button. Why not.
Anyhow, I'm actually not angry at all tonight, but have so much bottled within me that it's nice to bleed on the page/screen/alt-porn website's blog box and see what will come of these words. I'm guessing nothing, but what if, right? We can always rely on the 'what if's.'
Well, it's 12:50 and I'm pretty tired, so I'm just going to copy paste something I wrote the other day (something of which I have no idea what it means, so fuck, if someone's reading this and doesn't understand it's meaning, don't think too hard about it) and leave it at that.
Hope all is well with the world.
I don't believe reality to be something commonly perceived by everyone. Reality is something which can be taken by one person and twisted only by them to form what we'd often refer to as real. What then defines the real is only what's perceived, and further, what's perceived can be devoid of reason. So what makes the commonality of reality a necessity in the survival of self? Nothing. Why does the viewpoint of an other's gaze effect you, and hinder self-awareness through nonsense judgement of who you are? The character of self can only be displayed by the self, and in paradigm, reality can only be displayed as a truth if the wielder claims it as so.
Eh, let's tack on a song as well: 'We are your friends' by Justice

But, as a warning, I'm a bit melancholy lately. I've been suffering a little bout of depression.
I don't think it'll impact the conversation too heavily, but if I seem a bit distracted or down or worn, that is why.