Really, aside from seeing Wall-E (something I've been waiting forever to do now), I have nothing planned, or anything I feel like setting out to do. I don't know about you guys, but my past few birthdays I haven't done shit, which has caused me to not particualarly look forward to today. I mean, there is nothing wrong with today, it's just doesn't feel like anything spectacular... but then again, I don't think it ever did. Looking back, the only days where my birthday ever ment something was when I was able to get my license, and when I could go to the bank to get my creditcard (something which made life a lot easier for me).
But anyhow, re-reading that, the above sounds depressing. Sorry about that; I didn't mean to come off that way. In truth, I feel completely content, with exception to the lingering feeling that I should go to bed in order to be at least half awake to my classes tomorrow.
So, hope all is well with you guys, and I'll be sure to post some of my scribbles up here soon. (as promised).
Decided to just throw this here for good measure. (inspired by a poem
JoLeigh wrote)
Form to all and forever take shape,
A created disturbance let know by your wake,
You're forever engulfed by the pressures around,
Something I feel and hate to let down,
But I must let you know, you're a liquid to me,
Something and nothing which can never be free,
So stay and laugh while I try to confine,
The something in you which will never be mine.