Hey everyone,
I'm feeling better now, so I thought I'd drop a line to see how everyone is doing....well...how is everybody?
This last weekend, I went to dinner with my roommates and their friends and they had the general complaint against me that some people have when they meet me for the first time.
I'm too quiet and shy.
The reason I don't say much when I meet someone for the first time is because I am spending a lot of time watching them instead of talking. I want to watch their body language and gestures; I watch and listen to what they talk about and how they interact with their friends. From this, I decide whether I want to befriend them or stay the hell away from them. Some call it strange, I call it survival. I like true friends where we can converse about anything, not superficial stuff with dead silence served in large portions. C'mon, say something interesting, I don't want to stare at my Chuck Taylors and listen to maddening silence.
I enjoy being around people that always have something interesting to talk about. Lots of character and personality and intellect. I find a lot of people I meet on a daily basis lack that, especially ay the college I work at. It's like I keep running into zombies everyday. Where's the cool, interesting people? The people that take life by the horns and live life by their own terms? The warriors, the champions, the outlaws, the rebels?...
...Or is everyone scratching their asses at the local mall, pulling out their platinum credit cards and simply consuming like leeches? The "idiot nation" as Green Day says.
Speaking of "idiot nation", I just had a woman walk into my office and say, "is this the, um, mailroom?" I wanted to say, "well we have lots of mail in mailboxes and a metering machine. Nope this is Dolce and Cabana!" Ugh!
I get this often at work. See what I mean? And these are supposed to be "highly educated people, leading our youngsters into the new century." What-the-fuck-ever.
So anyway, where all the cool, interesting people? I know you're here in SG land. Raise your hands and stomp your feet and get my attention. It's getting weird nowadays and us warriors and champions need to stick together.
OK, the local Lone Wolf signs off.
I'm feeling better now, so I thought I'd drop a line to see how everyone is doing....well...how is everybody?
This last weekend, I went to dinner with my roommates and their friends and they had the general complaint against me that some people have when they meet me for the first time.
I'm too quiet and shy.
The reason I don't say much when I meet someone for the first time is because I am spending a lot of time watching them instead of talking. I want to watch their body language and gestures; I watch and listen to what they talk about and how they interact with their friends. From this, I decide whether I want to befriend them or stay the hell away from them. Some call it strange, I call it survival. I like true friends where we can converse about anything, not superficial stuff with dead silence served in large portions. C'mon, say something interesting, I don't want to stare at my Chuck Taylors and listen to maddening silence.
I enjoy being around people that always have something interesting to talk about. Lots of character and personality and intellect. I find a lot of people I meet on a daily basis lack that, especially ay the college I work at. It's like I keep running into zombies everyday. Where's the cool, interesting people? The people that take life by the horns and live life by their own terms? The warriors, the champions, the outlaws, the rebels?...
...Or is everyone scratching their asses at the local mall, pulling out their platinum credit cards and simply consuming like leeches? The "idiot nation" as Green Day says.
Speaking of "idiot nation", I just had a woman walk into my office and say, "is this the, um, mailroom?" I wanted to say, "well we have lots of mail in mailboxes and a metering machine. Nope this is Dolce and Cabana!" Ugh!

So anyway, where all the cool, interesting people? I know you're here in SG land. Raise your hands and stomp your feet and get my attention. It's getting weird nowadays and us warriors and champions need to stick together.
OK, the local Lone Wolf signs off.

Waving mah hands and jumping up and down cuz I'm cool! But I think you already knew that.