Yes sir, Bubba,
Things in the universe must be out of whack. Everyone is acting like their brains no longer function even though thousands of dollars and a master's degree ensures them a brain highly trained in only one field of knowledge. Hell, I think my boss is nothing more than a disemodied voice on the other end of the phone line sometimes. Old fat ladies that need to go home and knit blankets are sending me copy jobs electronically as I run around the printshop printing all this meaningless shit. Meanwhile, the old fat lady tells everyone in her office, "hey look at this bitchin' video game I found." Work is getting tougher and not matching the hourly pay anymore. Pay up big boss man or else you'll get a phone book in your ass. Not much of a threat, he's probably had bigger things in his ass before!
Yes, I am getting drunk out of mind as I write this. Too bad there's nothing else to ingest. 60's psychedelic songs are getting more meaningfull and I will pay dearly tomorrow with a headache that makes me feel like someone hit me with a chair. Maybe I do get hit by chairs, who remembers these things when Tennessee's finest amber current flows.
If I could only do nothing but draw all day long and make damn fine money doing it. Gee Whiz Wally, then I could tell the company to go fuck itself and be free from corporate swine.
Well, rambing thoughts from The Loner as usual.
See you all down the road. Stay safe and have fun tonight. Get some kicks and go completely sideways. Get your rocks off and all that lot.
Things in the universe must be out of whack. Everyone is acting like their brains no longer function even though thousands of dollars and a master's degree ensures them a brain highly trained in only one field of knowledge. Hell, I think my boss is nothing more than a disemodied voice on the other end of the phone line sometimes. Old fat ladies that need to go home and knit blankets are sending me copy jobs electronically as I run around the printshop printing all this meaningless shit. Meanwhile, the old fat lady tells everyone in her office, "hey look at this bitchin' video game I found." Work is getting tougher and not matching the hourly pay anymore. Pay up big boss man or else you'll get a phone book in your ass. Not much of a threat, he's probably had bigger things in his ass before!
Yes, I am getting drunk out of mind as I write this. Too bad there's nothing else to ingest. 60's psychedelic songs are getting more meaningfull and I will pay dearly tomorrow with a headache that makes me feel like someone hit me with a chair. Maybe I do get hit by chairs, who remembers these things when Tennessee's finest amber current flows.
If I could only do nothing but draw all day long and make damn fine money doing it. Gee Whiz Wally, then I could tell the company to go fuck itself and be free from corporate swine.
Well, rambing thoughts from The Loner as usual.