Hi everyone,
Another busy week is coming to a close here in Zappagonzo land. I found a website that has a ton of old Vargas pin-ups from his early stuff up through the 70's.
While looking at a lot of the other pin-up artist's work, I see a lot of guys ripping off the styles of famous pin-up artists. One guy would do a faux Vargas and and Elvgren. Then his next painting looked like Olivia's stuff or Sorayama. Somethin' about that bothers me a little. What's wrong with being original? It's the spice of life dammit!
Well, I try to make my stuff as unique as possible, but I still think my shit is a little amatuerish. I need to get more polished.
So if you all could give me some feedback on how you think my work looks and what you like about it, I'd appreciate it. I need to do some thinking on this one. Especially since I want to begin selling my work at some point.
OK, gotta go back into the printshop and move paper and punch buttons while my local classic rock station morphs into nothing more than the 24 hour Led Zeppelin station.
Another busy week is coming to a close here in Zappagonzo land. I found a website that has a ton of old Vargas pin-ups from his early stuff up through the 70's.

Well, I try to make my stuff as unique as possible, but I still think my shit is a little amatuerish. I need to get more polished.
So if you all could give me some feedback on how you think my work looks and what you like about it, I'd appreciate it. I need to do some thinking on this one. Especially since I want to begin selling my work at some point.
OK, gotta go back into the printshop and move paper and punch buttons while my local classic rock station morphs into nothing more than the 24 hour Led Zeppelin station.

Having a huge party in Arlington.
That sucks, oh well. Good luck with next week.