I'm at home with a bottle of Jack Daniels and Paul Revere and the Raiders Greatest Hits (hey, stop laughing dammit!)
My roommates are all out watching the new Batman movie that I could care less about. Fuck. I'm waiting for Land of the Dead. Yes guts and gore and anything with George A. Romero's name on it goes a long way with me.
OK. The main reason I'm writing this soon to be rant is because after smoking a few Marlboro's, I washed the dishes and threw 'em in the dishwasher and thought, "why the fuck can't my roommates keep things clean?"
Yeah I know, it just us guys in the house and yes guys aren't very clean sometimes. And when there's a herd of us, we really don't give a shit. However, if you just ate pasta (or what ever the fuck it was I just scraped off the plate), can't you fuckin' rinse the damn plate and throw it in the dishwasher? Is that too much? How about taking a sponge and wiping off the counter tops after you cook a big ass dinner? Too much? Fuck it. I'm not gonna be the bitch and keep cleaning this shit up. I dunno. I can't figure out why some people do some things.
In reference to my last entry, I am waiting until I have more pin-ups completed before I sell them. But if the demand is really there, then I may rethink this. Is $15 for a glossy print too much?
I think I'll play that Saddle Tramps CD again. 10-4!

OK. The main reason I'm writing this soon to be rant is because after smoking a few Marlboro's, I washed the dishes and threw 'em in the dishwasher and thought, "why the fuck can't my roommates keep things clean?"
Yeah I know, it just us guys in the house and yes guys aren't very clean sometimes. And when there's a herd of us, we really don't give a shit. However, if you just ate pasta (or what ever the fuck it was I just scraped off the plate), can't you fuckin' rinse the damn plate and throw it in the dishwasher? Is that too much? How about taking a sponge and wiping off the counter tops after you cook a big ass dinner? Too much? Fuck it. I'm not gonna be the bitch and keep cleaning this shit up. I dunno. I can't figure out why some people do some things.

In reference to my last entry, I am waiting until I have more pin-ups completed before I sell them. But if the demand is really there, then I may rethink this. Is $15 for a glossy print too much?
I think I'll play that Saddle Tramps CD again. 10-4!

I think I started a litle late. I'm 19. Anyway good bye then and fair well... I hope you do very well with your drawings

Oh hehehe I thought you deleted me for shure, anyway. No problem.