It's amazing how stupid a lot of people are in the business world these days. And for some reason, these people seem to be protected from their own ignorance and idiotic ways. Where I work gets more and more like the nut ward from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest everyday!
No one wants to be responsible for anything.
No one wants to be reliable.
No one wants to act like a mature adult (even though a number of the people I deal with are well into their 40's or 50's).
No one knows how to slow down, think and be rational.
No one wants to grow up.
Everybody thinks they're more important than everyone else.
Everyone runs around like chickens with their heads cut off.
Well at least those have been some of my experiences for the last 6 years working at different places in Texas and New York.
If I had a place of business, everyone would be payed enough so they wouldn't be starving. I would listen to everyone and value them all. And it would all be one massive group effort with no one left out. And there would be no double talk, or Corporate America sleaziness or deciet.
Well, maybe some day.
Hope everyone else is doin' OK out there. Take care and have some fun.
No one wants to be responsible for anything.
No one wants to be reliable.
No one wants to act like a mature adult (even though a number of the people I deal with are well into their 40's or 50's).
No one knows how to slow down, think and be rational.
No one wants to grow up.
Everybody thinks they're more important than everyone else.
Everyone runs around like chickens with their heads cut off.

Well at least those have been some of my experiences for the last 6 years working at different places in Texas and New York.
If I had a place of business, everyone would be payed enough so they wouldn't be starving. I would listen to everyone and value them all. And it would all be one massive group effort with no one left out. And there would be no double talk, or Corporate America sleaziness or deciet.
Well, maybe some day.
Hope everyone else is doin' OK out there. Take care and have some fun.
Don't see her and didn't see the incident first hand so techinally I can't report it.
Thanks for your input,