Hey everyone,
Well I'm lookin' at the profile pic of myself I put up a day or so ago and I can't help but laugh....where did my face go?
Ah, what the hell.
Does anyone think SG might be interested in me doing some stuff for them? Hey, if Rion Viernon can, why not?
With the way work is going right now, I keep thinking about what I would rather be doing instead. That is sitting at home with a cup of coffee, some good music on the stereo (I just got Jon Wayne's "Texas Funeral" CD Monday night), hunched over the drawing table workin' on pin-ups.
Soon, I will be able to do this and hopefully make enough money from doing it that I can pay my rent and bills without worrying. Until then, I'm punching buttons on copy machines at a community college. However, I have decided that this will be my last year doing this kind of work. I have to do what makes me happy and does not involve working for corporations and/or people who never grew up mentally.
So how is everyone else out there? Since the motorcycle I was looking at was a complete rust bucket, I'm lookin' at getting a gas moped. I found one for $1000 that's a 150cc 4 stroke and can get up to 65 mph. Not bad, but not really a motorcycle either. Don't worry, I still plan on getting my '62 T-bird down the road, but I need something cheap for right now. For grins, here's the '62 T-bird...A.K.A "The Beast"
62 T-bird...
Here's somethin' for the hot rodders out there. This guy has been my mascot since I was 3, Ed "Big Daddy" Roth, r.i.p., man.
Rat Fink
And just because I'm slappin pics from the web on here, I'll put this one on 'cause these guys were the shit.
Frank, Dino, Sammy, Peter and Joey
OK, one more. This LP is framed and hanging on my wall.
How Does That Grab You?
Peace, people
Well I'm lookin' at the profile pic of myself I put up a day or so ago and I can't help but laugh....where did my face go?

Does anyone think SG might be interested in me doing some stuff for them? Hey, if Rion Viernon can, why not?
With the way work is going right now, I keep thinking about what I would rather be doing instead. That is sitting at home with a cup of coffee, some good music on the stereo (I just got Jon Wayne's "Texas Funeral" CD Monday night), hunched over the drawing table workin' on pin-ups.
Soon, I will be able to do this and hopefully make enough money from doing it that I can pay my rent and bills without worrying. Until then, I'm punching buttons on copy machines at a community college. However, I have decided that this will be my last year doing this kind of work. I have to do what makes me happy and does not involve working for corporations and/or people who never grew up mentally.
So how is everyone else out there? Since the motorcycle I was looking at was a complete rust bucket, I'm lookin' at getting a gas moped. I found one for $1000 that's a 150cc 4 stroke and can get up to 65 mph. Not bad, but not really a motorcycle either. Don't worry, I still plan on getting my '62 T-bird down the road, but I need something cheap for right now. For grins, here's the '62 T-bird...A.K.A "The Beast"
62 T-bird...
Here's somethin' for the hot rodders out there. This guy has been my mascot since I was 3, Ed "Big Daddy" Roth, r.i.p., man.
Rat Fink
And just because I'm slappin pics from the web on here, I'll put this one on 'cause these guys were the shit.
Frank, Dino, Sammy, Peter and Joey
OK, one more. This LP is framed and hanging on my wall.
How Does That Grab You?
Peace, people

I quite like my Vinyl Star Wars: A New Hope.... I can understand you not wanting to part with it