Hey everyone,
Somethin' weird has been going on over the last few months since I've cut my hair and it peaked yesterday. Now I cut my hair back in June or July and since then this is what's been happening to me when women come into my office....
"You got a haircut."
"Got tired of lookin' like a hippy."
"Oh, I'm so sorry."
Yesterday, this is what I heard...
"You know, there's just something sexy about a man with long hair in a ponytail. I don't know, just something about it."
So here's the thing, when I had long hair, no one said anything at all. Then when I cut it, all the women start acting like they're upset or depressed by me doing this. WTF? Did I lose my fuckability or somethin' by cutting my hair a little shorter? It's still long...by just a little you know.
I guess I'm just wishing that when I do something that women like or find attractive, I'd just like to know. A little compliment, that's all. Otherwise I don't know if I'm repulsive or worth a woman's time in her opinion. Help me out here.
Other than that, all is well. I just got a gift from my co-worker...Jackie Brown on DVD!! Woo-Hooo!!! Quentin never fails, man.
It was also good to talk to a few of you out there over the instant messenger thingies. I love to talk and see how everyone is doing and it's better than the little blurbs we all put on each other's entries. So again, I'm offering the invitation to drop a line and say hi sometime. If you check the contact section, there's all my messenger handles so give a shout! Peace, people!
Somethin' weird has been going on over the last few months since I've cut my hair and it peaked yesterday. Now I cut my hair back in June or July and since then this is what's been happening to me when women come into my office....
"You got a haircut."
"Got tired of lookin' like a hippy."
"Oh, I'm so sorry."
Yesterday, this is what I heard...
"You know, there's just something sexy about a man with long hair in a ponytail. I don't know, just something about it."
So here's the thing, when I had long hair, no one said anything at all. Then when I cut it, all the women start acting like they're upset or depressed by me doing this. WTF? Did I lose my fuckability or somethin' by cutting my hair a little shorter? It's still long...by just a little you know.
I guess I'm just wishing that when I do something that women like or find attractive, I'd just like to know. A little compliment, that's all. Otherwise I don't know if I'm repulsive or worth a woman's time in her opinion. Help me out here.

Other than that, all is well. I just got a gift from my co-worker...Jackie Brown on DVD!! Woo-Hooo!!! Quentin never fails, man.
It was also good to talk to a few of you out there over the instant messenger thingies. I love to talk and see how everyone is doing and it's better than the little blurbs we all put on each other's entries. So again, I'm offering the invitation to drop a line and say hi sometime. If you check the contact section, there's all my messenger handles so give a shout! Peace, people!

nerd: an unfashionable person who is obsessed with aparticular interest.
geek: an awkward or unfashionable person, who is obsessed with something.
You are right, they are the same.
I would pick both then.