Hey everyone,
So how is everyone? Huh? C'mon I can't hear you.
Things are OK for me but I did hear something that pissed me off.
Yesterday, people voted to either support or ban gay marriages. WTF? Having a few friends who are gay, I want them to have that right, and I honestly cannot see why people are making such a fuss over this shit. This is the next step in civil rights for us, however, an intelligent society would not have shit like this going on. An intelligent society would simply accept people as they are and go on about their business. Homosexuals have been around since the dawn of humankind, and many gay or lesbian couples live together and people want to get pissy over this? Does it really bother people to think that gays and lesbians want to marry? Does it really make people lose sleep at night? Why? I thought we were smarter than this! My co-worker is gay and he and his boyfriend live together, buy cars together, shop, eat and sleep together. And......so what? C'mon! What's the big deal? They love each other, so let them be!
They're not hurting anyone, so let them be!
I'll take this one step further, heterosexual couples living together that are not married. And.....so what? Christians like to call it, "Living in SIN." Hey, what sin? Sin is made up B.S. Move on dudes. Hey, I know I am single and have been for too damn long, but lets say I meet some woman and we really take a liking to each other. OK, why not move in with each other? It's a sure fire way to really see if she and I are truly compatible.
I guess what I am getting at here with all of this fast paced rambling is........
.....we need to grow up and evolve again. C'mon, it'll be fun! We need to let go of some of these outdated beliefs from hundreds if not thousands of years ago and progress. M'kay?
Other than that, it is a beautiful day outside and I just bought Sam Kinison's first album on vinyl because Warner Bros. won't release a CD of it.
So how is everyone? Huh? C'mon I can't hear you.
Things are OK for me but I did hear something that pissed me off.
Yesterday, people voted to either support or ban gay marriages. WTF? Having a few friends who are gay, I want them to have that right, and I honestly cannot see why people are making such a fuss over this shit. This is the next step in civil rights for us, however, an intelligent society would not have shit like this going on. An intelligent society would simply accept people as they are and go on about their business. Homosexuals have been around since the dawn of humankind, and many gay or lesbian couples live together and people want to get pissy over this? Does it really bother people to think that gays and lesbians want to marry? Does it really make people lose sleep at night? Why? I thought we were smarter than this! My co-worker is gay and he and his boyfriend live together, buy cars together, shop, eat and sleep together. And......so what? C'mon! What's the big deal? They love each other, so let them be!
They're not hurting anyone, so let them be!
I'll take this one step further, heterosexual couples living together that are not married. And.....so what? Christians like to call it, "Living in SIN." Hey, what sin? Sin is made up B.S. Move on dudes. Hey, I know I am single and have been for too damn long, but lets say I meet some woman and we really take a liking to each other. OK, why not move in with each other? It's a sure fire way to really see if she and I are truly compatible.
I guess what I am getting at here with all of this fast paced rambling is........
.....we need to grow up and evolve again. C'mon, it'll be fun! We need to let go of some of these outdated beliefs from hundreds if not thousands of years ago and progress. M'kay?
Other than that, it is a beautiful day outside and I just bought Sam Kinison's first album on vinyl because Warner Bros. won't release a CD of it.
heck yes it's ok if you want to draw me
I agree with your views on marriage, I think gays should be able to marry if they choose to and I'm "living in sin" right now with my boyfriend. I watched trading spouses with a crazy ugly lady who is waay too into her Christianity. It was entertaining, and scary that there are real people like that. Ha ha, now Christopher Reeve is sucking the stem cells out of fetuses on South Park. Isn't television grand