Eh what the hell. I've never been into one of these Journal Jawnies, but fuck, why not. Tonight was just a chill night, I came home watched some tv for a change, and did some experimentation with different kinds of whiskey. George Dickel baby, that was the good stuff. Quite frankly at this point I can't remember what else I was drinking, I know one was from Dublin. I was doing it george thoroughgood style tonight, I Drink Alone. Sometimes those nights are the best nights. Although I wouldn't mind having a girl in my arms right now, just to spend some time with. It must be nice. I've been a single man for a while, hookin up here and there, but a true girlfriend, that would be nice. Well folks thats all I got, Im gonna finish my drink and catch some shut eye before the new day arrives for a chance. Night All.