There were a bunch of great new series out this week. "Pop" is a fantastic new mini-series about a company that literally stars. One of these stars escapes. "Wayward" takes a foreign look at Japan, a Japan that has monsters in its shadows. All that and more this week!
More Blogs
The Comic Strip - Weekly Comic Review Featuring: Sex Criminals, Batma…
Join me each week as I talk about the new comics going on sale th… -
Life, the Universe, and Everything
First off, hello and welcome to all of you wonderful people who … -
The Comic Strip - Weekly Comic Review
Sorry this is getting uploaded so late, but here it is! For thos… -
a Billion Comics...Video Delay
So as the title states, I had a lot of new comics to read tonight. … -
Whoops...I miscalculated.
So I guess my set will be out in about 22 hours instead of on Thurs… -
Ask Me Anything
So, in an effort to be a bit more viable and more active here… -
Upcoming Sets and Other Life Updates
Hello lovelies. First up, I'm so sorry that I've been somewhat abs… -
Comic review won't post so I have included a link to watch it on Yout…
So this is my weekly comic review except SG seems to be having trou… -
I'm a Twittering Now
I've decided to start a twitter account for all of those clever (an…