Hello lovelies. First up, I'm so sorry that I've been somewhat absent lately. I've tried to keep posting daily-ish pictures on Instagram (zaphodsgh) which then make it here. However, other than that and my weekly comic blogs, I haven't been on very much. I've just been a bit overwhelmed with work lately and haven't had the energy for much else.
Secondly, thank you to all my new followers! I'm very happy to see all 700+ of you on here, and especially thankful to those of you who have been regularly commenting and keeping in touch. I really appreciate all of your kind words and I'm sorry if sometimes it takes me a while to get back to you.
Alrighty, updates!
So, in one week and three days (according to my current countdown) I will have my second set "The Finer Things" debut in MR. I think that puts it as coming out on Tuesday, June 24th.
As I have mentioned a few times before, this set was a very fun, casual shoot that my best friend did. It was very much a spur of the moment thing. As neither of us are professional photographers, you will notice that this set has a few semi-grainy images and a few blurry hands. Even though it's not perfect, I love this set. It was a great experience that I got to share with a great person and I wouldn't trade it for anything. This set is entirely unedited so you may notice a few lines on my stomach from my corset or a few blemishes. It may not be front page material but I hope you guys still take the time to give it some love because it has a lot of personality and I still think it turned out pretty well.
About a month after this, my third set will come out in MR! This is the set that I've really been waiting for, and not-so-patiently at that. Keep your peepers peeled for "Winds of Winter" which is scheduled for the end of July. I'll give you more updates on that set as it gets closer.
In other news, at the beginning of July my boyfriend and I will be in Colorado for 11 days for our friends' wedding. This will be the longest vacation I've ever taken and I am really looking forward to escaping from work for a while. I love my job but with he and I both working at the same store, it's nice to be able to get away from things. It's even more exciting because we haven't seen these friends in two and a half years so it'll be a nice reunion.
After my finances recover from that trip, I'm hoping to get another tattoo. It's been over two years and it's killing me but unfortunately, money keeps getting the better of me and keeping me from having the nice things that I want. Oh well, first world problems I guess.
I'm also hoping to shoot again with @skidtography soon which will be nice. He was the one who shot my "Winds of Winter" set which I am so in love with so I know whatever we collaborate on next will be just as great.
In non-news news, I just rewatched season one of Orange is the New Black in preparation of the new season and yesterday I just watched the first episode of season 2. So yeah...I need to go do that now.