Hey guys! This is my first blog after coming back from Emerald City Comic Con. I posted a blog about that earlier in the evening. Check it out.
I still haven't caught up on sleep, but eventually I'll get there.
Here's my stack of comics for the week:
I started off with Trillium, as it was the final issue in the series.
Trillium #8
This was a very good end to a very good series. This was originally solicited as "the last love story ever told" so going into it, I was not expecting a happy ending. I won't tell you what happened but I am very happy with how it ended.
Black Science #5
The mysterious figure following the group is revealed! This issue was really interesting and a lot happens but it's all very spoilery so I'll just say: Great issue, read it!
Starlight #2
The first issue of this series really stuck with me and I found it to be a very emotionally charged opening to the series. So, I had high hopes for issue 2. This issue lived up to the expectations I had and it does a lot to drive forward the plot and you can begin to see where this series is headed. A new character is introduced as well and I'm hoping he will continue to have a large role as the series moves forward.
Detective Comics #30
This is the first issue by the new creative team of Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato. I'm going to be perfectly honest with you, I really, truly loved this first issue. The art is just stunning and the characters really spoke to me. It was sad to see John Layman go but I'm firmly on board the Manapul - Buccellato train.
Moon Knight #2
This was an odd little issue. Good, just odd. It opens onto a series of vignettes. I'm given the impression with issue that this series will have a very cinematic feel, which I quite enjoy. So far, it seems these issues are episodic and I don't believer there's much of a plot arc between issues. I could be wrong. I am quite stoned at the moment so I may have missed something...
Veil #2
Wow, crazy things aplenty. This issue is very eye-opening and is a drastic change from the few words that were in the first issue. I'm really intrigued and am excited to see what happens next!
Revelations #4
For those of you not reading the series, no is a good time to go to your local comic shop and catch up. Shit's a'happening and as a six issue mini-series so this issue is leading right into the climax. Sex, death, death cults in the Vatican: what more do you look for in a comic?
The Field #1
This was an interesting good. A man with amnesia finds himself in a cornfield and a cellphone on the ground goes off telling him to run. The first issue definitely grabs your attention but I'm not sure what's coming.
Apocalypse Al #3
This is series continues to be a fun, lighthearted take on the coming apocalypse. Al travels to the happiest place on earth to stop the end of the world. There is only one more issue after this and it'll be interesting to see how it wraps up.
Juice Squeezers #4
This is the last issue of this mini-series by David Lapham. Ah! Just kidding, there's the Free Comic Book Day issue which I completely forgot about. This is a fun comic and a much different feel than what I've seen of David Lapham. It's fairly tame. I would consider it all ages but there's a little bit of bug killing violence that some parents may object to.
Pretty Deadly #5
It's been a little while between issues for this one. This issue marks the end of the first story arc, which will be good to go back and read it again once it's all collected. There are some stories that although being a good read issue to issue, are much better to read in trades because you can hold onto the subtle details issue to issue. I think this will be one of those cases and I'm looking forward to giving it a read without months separating issues.
She-Hulk #3
This series is a bit goofy, which is okay. I don't know, I like goofy and it's usually a very refreshing break from some of the more grim comics, but the character just isn't grabbing me yet. Jennifer is helping Victor von Doom's son get political asylum in the US in this issue.
Question of the Week:
Do you prefer reading single issues or collected editions?
(Also, I'm usually too lazy to proofread my blogs so I apologize if there are any mistakes)