Oh my goodness! Thank you so much SG. I was just checking the site like I do (2-5 times a day. I spend most of my free time here) and my confession video made best of SG. You can watch the video here: Zaphod Confession and my follow up video here More About My Life with Asperger's. I'm really happy that this made front page because it was a big deal to me sharing the fact the I have Asperger's with everyone. This is something that I have kept private in my own life but I am very happy to have shared the video and I've had some great conversations with other aspies afterwards as well as other people wanting to learn more about Asperger's and ASD. Thank you all for your support so far in my journey and for watching my videos. <3
You are Awesome Zaphod, so happy to hear about the video!
@griffxx @shcubashteve83 Thank you guys so much! <3