So, I am incredibly appreciate of all of the 100+ people who are now following me. Earlier, I promised my (then 26) followers that once I got to the magical 100, I would post a preview image from my upcoming set. I am a girl of my word, so here is the third preview image of my upcoming set "Comic Strip" currently set to come out May 9th!
So I have good and bad news for you all. The bad news is that I do not have a comic strip blog for you this Tuesday night. I will hopefully have it up tomorrow, but I apologize to those who read it for the delay.
The good news is also the reason for the bad news. I am not posting my comic blog tonight because I was out of town today instead of working at the shop. The reason I was out of town was to shoot my second shoot, this one being with the talented @skidtography. I reached out to him after seeing the shoot he did of @dagmar_, which is breathtaking by the way. If you haven't, you should check it out. It's called The Cleanse.
Today ended up somehow being probably the best and worst day I've had so far this year.
I was fortunate enough to be able to get the day off to drive up to Spokane for the shoot. I woke up at six-thirty this morning to get ready and to make the 2.5 hour trip. However, my body picked today of all days to get sick. When I left my house, I forgot my car charger which I didn't discover until I was well on my way. I manage to have exactly enough phone battery to have Google Maps get me there, and then it died.
Jason of Skidtography was fantastic and we got along right away which is always a good sign for the shoot. We walked down this cool nature path across fields of ice blocking the way to this really cool dead tree slumped over the river with moss growing all over it. Although we checked out one other possible area, we were both so taken with the tree that it ended up being the location for my shoot.
I can't was such an amazing experience. Cold as fuck but amazing. Jason had a lot of amazing ideas for the shoot and got pictures from a bunch of cool angles. At one point, I was kneeling/standing/laying on top of a dead tree that had fallen over the water. We both had some close calls for falling in the water, which was both surprisingly deep and freeze-your-bits-off cold. All of it resulted in an incredible set which I am so proud of and so excited to see go into MR when the time comes.
After the shoot, we met up with Dagmar, who as it turns out is amazing! It started to rain just as she started her set but even though she was soaked and we could all see our breath, she did an amazing job. She looked so natural and sexy and I have to say, I'm a little bit in love with her now. She is also such a cool, fun person to hang out with. We all ended the day with going through both of our sets and I have to say SG, that you guys are in for some gems in a few months. Keep your eyes peeled.
On my way out of Spokane, I attempted to take the same way I came in thinking that was my best chance of reaching the freeway. My terrible sense of direction coupled with all of the one way streets in Spokane left me lost in a city I'd never been with a dead phone.
I asked at a gas station for directions but the road the lady directed me to was blocked by construction. I tried to go a few streets down but to no avail. I was lost again. After almost a half hour of driving, I spotted an undercover cop car pulled over. Normally, I would not approach a police officer. I have nothing to hide, but let's face it, it's a bit intimidating and you always worry they'll decide you're doing something wrong even if you're not aware of what that something could possibly be. Today though, I just wanted to go home and sleep and get dry. He was very polite and his directions got me right on the freeway. Yay!
However, once again due to my poor sense of direction and my dead phone, I missed the junction I needed to take to get home. Normally you'd be able to tell by your surroundings if you ended up going the wrong way, but it was dark and there was nothing for miles around both on the right and the wrong route. Eventually my car was needing gas and I was somehow in Moses Lake, which was about an hour out of my way. I was able to find a car charger at the gas station and was eventually able to get back home, only about an hour an a half-two hours after I was supposed to.
All in all though, the positives of today definitely outweigh the negatives. I got to meet two awesome people that are talented and great to work with. There's also the potential of getting to shoot with both of them in the future which I am very much looking forward to.
Anyway, I promise I'll get my comic blog up as soon as I get them read. Thanks again to all of you who support me!