Oh crap, I feel like death-have the cold from hell, and poss gonna end up like the dreaded man flu!!! Also spent a long time at hosp today cos my Dr thought my ickle girl had pneumonia. Thnakfully she doesn't - she has a nasty virus, which is good, but cos it's a virus, there's nothing medicine wise they can do to help-just gotta ride it out!!
Hubby did come home with a HUGE bar of Aero which helps LOADS tho!
So much for this sodding week being better than last....
Hubby did come home with a HUGE bar of Aero which helps LOADS tho!
So much for this sodding week being better than last....
Hope you and the little one get better soon!
sorry you and your little one arent doing so well,
hope you feel better soon, the changing of seasons here is messing with my system too!