YAY am finally back!! Been away for AGES as had a crappy time - hubby's been out of work LOADS, had another bubba, moved house, hubby's lost his job more, and that pretty much sums up the last few years!! Oh and I've now finished my horrible job, and am re-training and hoping to start my own business next year
Started making cakes (hence the...
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Started making cakes (hence the...
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Welcome back
ad thanks for the add new friend!

Just realised it's been AGES since I was on here-am completely crap!! The worst thing is I haven't got a decent excuse-not been up to anything madly exciting. We've decided that due to the housing market crap we've gotta stay put for the next few years, which aint so good cos it means I have to stay in the job I hate, but oh well,...
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Good Luck with your performances, what do you play?
Where do you live? We have a guy in my village, in Suffolk, called Rabbit. People come to his Tattoo shop from all over the world just because he's there. He's an amazing artist. If you check out my pictures, he did my wife's backpiece.
Where do you live? We have a guy in my village, in Suffolk, called Rabbit. People come to his Tattoo shop from all over the world just because he's there. He's an amazing artist. If you check out my pictures, he did my wife's backpiece.
OMG I'm still in shock at the ending of Bones series 2 or 3!! I watched it last night, and can't quite believe that Zack was Gormagon's apprentice-whoa!!!! I guess it's always the quiet ones you have to watch-I was the quiet nice one at school, and now I'm one of the oddest!!!
Still have had a good (but knackering) weekend-had someone to look round...
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Still have had a good (but knackering) weekend-had someone to look round...
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Well I have to say that I would love to find some people to buy it with me and help fix it up, it is big enough for a lot of people to live there, I would love to own it because I could have house gussets all the time and they could stay for as long as they wanted because it is so big. It is a very historic house, it is well over 100 years old and is made of sand stone, it is a very unique house, I want to go inside it but I'm afraid I will get caught.
It was a shock about Zack for sure (it's season 3 that ended), but I think that's the best they could come up with given the writer's strike and shortened shooting period. I'm hoping it comes back strong for season 4, because I love that show. Bones/Booth are my very fav TV pair (even surpassing my love of Veronica/Weevil from Veronica Mars), and I think David Boreanaz has way more chemistry with Emily Deschanel than he did with Sarah Michelle Gellar (on Buffy) or Charisma Carpenter (on Angel).
Doh! Things are still pretty crap, so have decided the only thing to do is to bake cakes! I made fairy cakes and shortbread at the wkend, then made choc cake today-yum!!! Guess the diets is ruined-ah well never really started it so what the hell!
It's hubby's Birthday on Tues and I have have NO idea what to get him. Was gonna take him...
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It's hubby's Birthday on Tues and I have have NO idea what to get him. Was gonna take him...
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Is cake is good.

YAY!! Just got a nice cheque thru the post-am a happy bunny!! My dishwasher packed up, flooding my kitchen (the day before I had a load of people round) when it was only a couple of wks out of warrenty. Had a few run ins with the retailer (who were damn rude) and had a month long fight with them, but got most of my...
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Oh for fucks sake, am soooo pissed off it's not funny. Just when you think things can't get any worse they do:
Not only am I hating my job, we wanna move house - further north to be closer to my family, and houses and cost of living are soooo much cheaper. But the housing market is shit, and we can't sell our house. Also...
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Not only am I hating my job, we wanna move house - further north to be closer to my family, and houses and cost of living are soooo much cheaper. But the housing market is shit, and we can't sell our house. Also...
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i think you have a right to moan. thats just a shit load of bad luck. it is hard to stay positive when stuff like this happens but sometimes being positive can help.
Woop Woop, have just found out I'm playing Guilfest this year-opening the main stage on the last day, I'm so excited!! We did the same last year and it was AWESOME. Also get my free ticket, so can hang around a bit. Still trying to get to perform on the Sat too, as I really wanna go see Bowling for Soup, but hey, can't complain!!...
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Whoa it's been ages since I've been on here! Soooo much has happened. My ickle girl had her Birthday - she's one now and we had a party with 8 babies-utter chaos and I'm still finding biscuit goo everywhere!!
The housing market is really pissing me off cos our lives are pretty much on hold till hubby gets a job (he works in Architecture-doh!) and...
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The housing market is really pissing me off cos our lives are pretty much on hold till hubby gets a job (he works in Architecture-doh!) and...
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Oh crap, I feel like death-have the cold from hell, and poss gonna end up like the dreaded man flu!!! Also spent a long time at hosp today cos my Dr thought my ickle girl had pneumonia. Thnakfully she doesn't - she has a nasty virus, which is good, but cos it's a virus, there's nothing medicine wise they can do to help-just gotta ride...
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Hope you and the little one get better soon!
sorry you and your little one arent doing so well,
hope you feel better soon, the changing of seasons here is messing with my system too!

Soooo Sunday seems to be 'blog day'!!
Had a crazy week last week, even though I was only in work for 3 hours!! Mainly cos my little girl has a WAY better social calendar than me, and I've been taking her to parties half the week (and there's more to come this week!)
The week has also been shit (apart from the kiddies parties-eating jelly...
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Had a crazy week last week, even though I was only in work for 3 hours!! Mainly cos my little girl has a WAY better social calendar than me, and I've been taking her to parties half the week (and there's more to come this week!)
The week has also been shit (apart from the kiddies parties-eating jelly...
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