Well things have been a little rubbish for my family at the moment, my step mum (45) was diagnosed with terminal cancer a couple of weeks back and it really shuck my dad up. (Don't worry dear reader i get more cheerful from here) So I promised to take him camping at one of the most beautiful places I know so we could have some bonding time.
It's a lovely place near a river that you can camp out with a fire and beer and there is no one to disturb you. We sat up from sun set to sun rise drinking local beer and tending the fire and slept (a little) under the open sky's.
Now this was I night of firsts for me and my pops. We've never done anything like it before and to my surprise when I took out my rolling tray and some weed he asked me if he could try some. Now I should say he's 58 and up until now has never smoked before. Anyway we chilled out smoked some bud and talked about everything that was going on with him and my step mum and how he was copping, we talked about him when he was younger and what he got up to and I got to hear stories I would never have guessed about. Now I feel we're closer than ever and I'm soooo glad we had that time together. I love you Daddy 💕
So my advice for anyone who's still reading this is don't fear the future but make the most of right now, reach out and touch thoes you love and take the time to find out about everything that makes them them.
Thanks for reading 🐢👾🍒