So I finally got back to the shop to have some more work on my sleeve after what felt like forever!! (6weeks) and it's come together at long last. I don't know about anyone else but tattoo time for me is my chance to relax, talk about rubbish with the girls at the parlour and basically switch my brain off so by the end of these day I was totally refreshed and chilled. I can't wait to get back in the chair in three weeks time.
So here's some pics. It's designed around Devil Doll (Colleen Duffy) and that is actually her signature take form a signed photo she sent me. Most of you won't have heard of Devil Doll but imagine being sent a signed photo for your favourite singer who you've loved for ages and that's what it was like for me to get hers! (If you've not heard her then get on you tube and have a listen! She can really wail!)