Well, after two days of relaxing time off (haha, school from am to pm yesterday, very relaxing) its back to work today. Last night was fab, traveled to the armpit of colorado, pueblo, to see my friend tejas show off her mad dancing skills. she does indian classical dance, and shes all tingly and jingly and fun. Caleb, my man
took some pictures of her at the first performance of hers we went to. Cafe zajj, a new cafe in pueblo, hosted her. its a fun little joint, though the staff leaves something to be desired. ah well, we went with ginger, and spent lots of time discussing the merits of an 'author' we know...well, thats a long story. hope everyone is doing fine and dandy today! i'm on spring break now, and hopefully some of this time wuill help me come back to earth.

which is my latest now?