Well.....I havent been able to get on the net for awhile. (bet noone noticed I was gone
Anyway.....crisis number 691 has hit. Mom got a letter in the mail. It was from the hospital. The same one that she went to when her leg went bad and needed to be amputated. She is being sued since she had no health insurance. She had to go to that hospital in the first place cuz the Veterans hospital refused her even though she was eligable to get care there
Grand total of $40,000
We cant possibly pay it. No chance. Soooooo......as of right now the best plan we can think of is to sign everything she owns over to me. If she has nothing then they cant really get anything out of her right? Hopefully this way will keep us from being homeless in the near future
Crisis number 692. Mom went for a doctors appointment today. Doctor says that he thinks the other leg needs to come off now too. Im no doctor.....but Id have to agree considering the way it looks and smells
(trust me...you dont want to know about it
) But she of course refused that idea. Couldnt possibly be that.....she used to be a nurse after all! She would know if her own leg waws going bad! Yeah....just like she did with the other one
AC died on us the other day. Not totally.....its just weak. I think some critter got under the house and fucked up the ducting. If so it should be an easy fix. As long as its not still down there that is
With all my luck......it would be a skunk.
I guess thats it for now. Work is going fine.....though today wasnt so good since I kept making stupid mistakes
Ive been really lonely and depressed lately too. All I do is work and go home. I have no social life at all. But you all are likely tired of hearing me cry about that again.
Anyway.......leave me something to cheer me up a bit
OH! GOOD NEWS!!! Everone go congraduate Tempest on her set going up!!!!!
But this does kinda bring up a problem. I NEED TO BE ABLE TO HAVE MORE THAN 5 FAVORITE SGs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I got five SG friends now!(IM SO LUCKY!!!
) So of course I want to have them all in my favorites. But that leaves no room for the subject of my school boy crush
* And what happens when one of the many other gorgeous ladies on my friends list have a set go up!?!?! WHAT AM I EVER TO DO?!?!

Anyway.....crisis number 691 has hit. Mom got a letter in the mail. It was from the hospital. The same one that she went to when her leg went bad and needed to be amputated. She is being sued since she had no health insurance. She had to go to that hospital in the first place cuz the Veterans hospital refused her even though she was eligable to get care there

Grand total of $40,000

We cant possibly pay it. No chance. Soooooo......as of right now the best plan we can think of is to sign everything she owns over to me. If she has nothing then they cant really get anything out of her right? Hopefully this way will keep us from being homeless in the near future

Crisis number 692. Mom went for a doctors appointment today. Doctor says that he thinks the other leg needs to come off now too. Im no doctor.....but Id have to agree considering the way it looks and smells

AC died on us the other day. Not totally.....its just weak. I think some critter got under the house and fucked up the ducting. If so it should be an easy fix. As long as its not still down there that is

I guess thats it for now. Work is going fine.....though today wasnt so good since I kept making stupid mistakes

Anyway.......leave me something to cheer me up a bit

OH! GOOD NEWS!!! Everone go congraduate Tempest on her set going up!!!!!

But this does kinda bring up a problem. I NEED TO BE ABLE TO HAVE MORE THAN 5 FAVORITE SGs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I got five SG friends now!(IM SO LUCKY!!!

my mom has alzheimer's and i am her primary caregiver.
be careful with that money transferring thing.
i know that at least when it comes to nursing homes.............there has to be at least 3 years between the transfer and the admittance or they will take it anyway. some laws or something i guess.
best to get some legal advice there.