Okay.....so here is my plan for the next few days or so.....
8:00 this morning Im going to run a trip down the river..
Get home around 1 or 2....
Sleep til about 9pm
Get ready and be at 7/11 at 11pm
Work there til 7 am
Drive over to Blueridge and nap in the parking lot for an hour..
Another trip at 8am...
get home around 1 or 2...
wake up at 9pm...
7/11 from 11pm to 7 am
nap in Blue Ridges parking lot for an hour
Run a trip at 8 am
Run another trip when I get back from that one....
Get home at maybe 5 or 6 and passout
And just to complecate things....I have a cold
(got through the ENTIRE god damn FUCKING winter with out a sniffle....and then I get sick when summer starts
With this all being said....please forgive me if Im not around for a lil while
UPDATE (June 1, 2:30 pm)
While getting ready for the trip this morning I was getting a raft off the trailer, jumped off, and landed on my ankle very wrong. It is swollen about 3 times its normal size now
Dont know for sure what I did...but sprain is likely (afew said it might be broken but I highly doubt that since it dont hurt so bad I cant walk)
Hurts like a BITCH
And of course it happened BEFORE the trip so I had to deall with it all the way down the river.
Someone else had to carry my boat. I HATE THAT!
Oh yes.....the next few days are REALLY going to suck
8:00 this morning Im going to run a trip down the river..
Get home around 1 or 2....
Sleep til about 9pm
Get ready and be at 7/11 at 11pm
Work there til 7 am
Drive over to Blueridge and nap in the parking lot for an hour..
Another trip at 8am...
get home around 1 or 2...
wake up at 9pm...
7/11 from 11pm to 7 am
nap in Blue Ridges parking lot for an hour
Run a trip at 8 am
Run another trip when I get back from that one....
Get home at maybe 5 or 6 and passout
And just to complecate things....I have a cold

With this all being said....please forgive me if Im not around for a lil while

UPDATE (June 1, 2:30 pm)
While getting ready for the trip this morning I was getting a raft off the trailer, jumped off, and landed on my ankle very wrong. It is swollen about 3 times its normal size now

Dont know for sure what I did...but sprain is likely (afew said it might be broken but I highly doubt that since it dont hurt so bad I cant walk)
Hurts like a BITCH
And of course it happened BEFORE the trip so I had to deall with it all the way down the river.
Someone else had to carry my boat. I HATE THAT!

Oh yes.....the next few days are REALLY going to suck

Nah...They'll pay me...They just fucked up. I just expect it next week and not in 2.
looks like the beauty from hell is out again!