Sorry that its been so long....been kinda distracted lately
But the reason I have been distracted has been a good one. I am totally and madly in love with a goddess.....AND SHE LOVES ME TOO!!!!!!!!!
I have never been so ...ummm....hell...Im GIDDY
She is gorgeous and fun and wonderful
And she and I have been spending ALOT of time together.
There are times when we just lie in bed together and talk about the future.....Im the only guy she has ever done that with
I took some pics of her last time she was here (though some are for my eyes only
).......so let me inderduce you all to a goddess named Sarah
You all will most likely get to see alot more though.....she wants to apply to SG
There is ALOT more I can write about.....but unfortantly I have the mother of all colds at the moment and my head hurts too much to look at this glowing box much longer. I just wanted to give an update so that everyone knows Im alive. I'll give more info and comment to everyone when I feel better

Sorry that its been so long....been kinda distracted lately

But the reason I have been distracted has been a good one. I am totally and madly in love with a goddess.....AND SHE LOVES ME TOO!!!!!!!!!

I have never been so ...ummm....hell...Im GIDDY

She is gorgeous and fun and wonderful

And she and I have been spending ALOT of time together.
There are times when we just lie in bed together and talk about the future.....Im the only guy she has ever done that with

I took some pics of her last time she was here (though some are for my eyes only

You all will most likely get to see alot more though.....she wants to apply to SG

There is ALOT more I can write about.....but unfortantly I have the mother of all colds at the moment and my head hurts too much to look at this glowing box much longer. I just wanted to give an update so that everyone knows Im alive. I'll give more info and comment to everyone when I feel better

so happy for you.