Well....Im still here
Im still my bored lonely self though
There is a lil light lately to look forward to (and this time I DONT mean Soul Calibur 3
) One of the girls I work with said that she is going to bring me into her group of friends. They play the role playing games alot. I always wanted to play but the few times Ive tried Ive gotten REALLY bored with it...but its still better than sitting around alone. But I being ever the pessimist....I kinda think it was just an idle promise...you know...one of those things that someone says but doesnt really mean and forgets later. But thats okay.....even if that is the case it was still really nice of her and made me smile a bit
She really is a nice person to have even suggested it
Im still my bored lonely self though
There is a lil light lately to look forward to (and this time I DONT mean Soul Calibur 3

youll find your princess. believe me (and i know i sound like an annoying parent) you have some time. i was very insecure and kinda miserable at your age. no boys liked me. really. couldnt get laid to save a monkey except with mean xboyfriend...bah!. laaaaate bloomer.