2010 - YEAR OF THE TIGER aka life changes and resolutions...

Normal Contemplation

"Tiger" Contemplation (aka "the world is mine'...OR I just happened to look away from the camera at the time
Okay enough with the cheesy tiger references (it is the chinese zodiac for this year), but it does tie in well with my goals and resolutions for this new year. This year will be my year...
...my year of accomplishment. Taking life by the horns and not holding back. I've realized that the same strength I use to "just get through" some of the toughest situations anyone would ever have to deal with can also be used to tear the shit out of accomplishing other goals I may have. And here are just some of the "safe" and abbreviated ones for the year:

The rest are ways to reinvest in understanding my strengths and weaknesses as an individual and build upon those in EVERY aspect of life.
Here is a GREAT example of what I am talking about (and ties in well with my theme
So there you have it, my focus for the next year.
How about you? Any focus or resolutions you might have this year? Everyone is different and some get nothing from making lists and trying to stick to them, for others it will work for a period of time and then falls by the wayside. Whatever/whoever you may be, I hope you have an amazing and happy new year.

Normal Contemplation

"Tiger" Contemplation (aka "the world is mine'...OR I just happened to look away from the camera at the time

Okay enough with the cheesy tiger references (it is the chinese zodiac for this year), but it does tie in well with my goals and resolutions for this new year. This year will be my year...
...my year of accomplishment. Taking life by the horns and not holding back. I've realized that the same strength I use to "just get through" some of the toughest situations anyone would ever have to deal with can also be used to tear the shit out of accomplishing other goals I may have. And here are just some of the "safe" and abbreviated ones for the year:
The rest are ways to reinvest in understanding my strengths and weaknesses as an individual and build upon those in EVERY aspect of life.
Here is a GREAT example of what I am talking about (and ties in well with my theme

So there you have it, my focus for the next year.
How about you? Any focus or resolutions you might have this year? Everyone is different and some get nothing from making lists and trying to stick to them, for others it will work for a period of time and then falls by the wayside. Whatever/whoever you may be, I hope you have an amazing and happy new year.

Oh-oh! Maybe I should get on that.
nice town you got there.