Yeah kind of had a hard day yesterday after hearing Stogie (my miniature daschund) has a huge tumor starting to grow on his spine...
No tears though. I think I have been hardened to those for a while now. Yet it makes me feel horrible that I have yet to see a single drop form knowing that he is in any kind of pain.
I would give the world to see him healthy again. Stogie has been there for me through more then any human being has been able to. He has cheered me up in my darkest moments, when fate and the realization of my mortality have set in. He was there for me when I was at my sickest, dealing with medications that were draining my active nature away.
He only wanted to play, to love life and enjoy my company no matter what was going on.
So now it is my time to hopefully do the same. I don't want to give up on him and will see him through his hardest moments as well. As much as I wish he could understand how much I will do for him I am glad that he will continue to live in a world where the moment is all that matters and ignorance is truly bliss. That awesome little puppy world.
I am here for you always, little man.
So in short these thoughts kept me from actually accomplishing any work yesterday... Procrastination at its finest. Yet, its funny how in those times all I want to do is sketch or be creative. So here is a little taste of what plops onto a blank page when I can't get things off of my mind:

Alright have to run... Will leave you guys with a little music from my week though.
better audio and video here
How is everyone else doing out there?
Yeah kind of had a hard day yesterday after hearing Stogie (my miniature daschund) has a huge tumor starting to grow on his spine...
No tears though. I think I have been hardened to those for a while now. Yet it makes me feel horrible that I have yet to see a single drop form knowing that he is in any kind of pain.
I would give the world to see him healthy again. Stogie has been there for me through more then any human being has been able to. He has cheered me up in my darkest moments, when fate and the realization of my mortality have set in. He was there for me when I was at my sickest, dealing with medications that were draining my active nature away.
He only wanted to play, to love life and enjoy my company no matter what was going on.
So now it is my time to hopefully do the same. I don't want to give up on him and will see him through his hardest moments as well. As much as I wish he could understand how much I will do for him I am glad that he will continue to live in a world where the moment is all that matters and ignorance is truly bliss. That awesome little puppy world.
I am here for you always, little man.
So in short these thoughts kept me from actually accomplishing any work yesterday... Procrastination at its finest. Yet, its funny how in those times all I want to do is sketch or be creative. So here is a little taste of what plops onto a blank page when I can't get things off of my mind:

Alright have to run... Will leave you guys with a little music from my week though.
better audio and video here
How is everyone else doing out there?

Big huge hugs