pretty accurate coloring of my bike!
So my homegirl/new biking buddy Jaylin and I took our new bikes out for a good long ride through Golden Gate Park to Ocean Beaches the other day, AND IT WAS FUCKING AWESOME! She did kick my ass and had to stop for me twice, but I am going to blame that on the fact that I have to continuously peddle and have no gears, while she can coast and gear up! Seriously though it was an amazingly comfortable and beautiful ride. Here are some of the things that we saw along the way (thanks to J for some of these awesome shots)!

Some crazy lighthouse on our way in through the park.

Awesome views of the Golden Gate Bridge at a lookout point.

View from the beach area.

The Sutro Baths. People be gettin' mothafuckin' clean in that shit yo.

Jay nerdin' out for the camera. Look at that handicap kid helmet! PSHT I NEEDZ NO BRAIN PROTECTION!

Me, dorkin it up for the camera.

See, my point about the brain protection is CLEARLY backed up here, with me looking like a gangsta' handicap kid.

That's right. I'm fuckin' pimpin bitches. AIght hooka'?!!!
So, in short it was an incredible time and I thank my homegirl for the company!
I'll leave you with a little music thats just a teaser for what is yet to come. It has been announced that Daft Punk will be doing the score/soundtrack to the new Tron 2 film. FUCKING EPIC! Here is a little taste of a sneak track played at Flynn's Arcade at ComicCon:
So, tell me what's been up with you my friends?!
PS - For some odd reason I have been really wanting both of these things lately...

pretty accurate coloring of my bike!
So my homegirl/new biking buddy Jaylin and I took our new bikes out for a good long ride through Golden Gate Park to Ocean Beaches the other day, AND IT WAS FUCKING AWESOME! She did kick my ass and had to stop for me twice, but I am going to blame that on the fact that I have to continuously peddle and have no gears, while she can coast and gear up! Seriously though it was an amazingly comfortable and beautiful ride. Here are some of the things that we saw along the way (thanks to J for some of these awesome shots)!

Some crazy lighthouse on our way in through the park.

Awesome views of the Golden Gate Bridge at a lookout point.

View from the beach area.

The Sutro Baths. People be gettin' mothafuckin' clean in that shit yo.

Jay nerdin' out for the camera. Look at that handicap kid helmet! PSHT I NEEDZ NO BRAIN PROTECTION!

Me, dorkin it up for the camera.

See, my point about the brain protection is CLEARLY backed up here, with me looking like a gangsta' handicap kid.

That's right. I'm fuckin' pimpin bitches. AIght hooka'?!!!
So, in short it was an incredible time and I thank my homegirl for the company!
I'll leave you with a little music thats just a teaser for what is yet to come. It has been announced that Daft Punk will be doing the score/soundtrack to the new Tron 2 film. FUCKING EPIC! Here is a little taste of a sneak track played at Flynn's Arcade at ComicCon:
So, tell me what's been up with you my friends?!

PS - For some odd reason I have been really wanting both of these things lately...
Does that mean I wish I was an 80's Cocaine Druglord???!
The otter is dancing perfectly with the Daft Punk.
check that ass.