Still Around...
Hey Everyone!
Just a really really quick post to tell everyone that I am still around and show up on the site from time to time. Sorry I haven't really gotten back to many of you, I have just been really busy with other areas of life right now, predominantly school. Hope you all are doing well and if you really want to see more frequent posts from me you can visit my Twitter page or my Facebook page. If you don't have the information for those two pages just shoot me an SG email and I will send it your way. Hope to talk to you (or at you) all again soon! Oh, and here is just a little taste of what it is that I do that takes up my SG time... This is a typographic self portrait we have to do for one of my classes. Yep, its 100% made up of text. Enjoy!
Hey Everyone!
Just a really really quick post to tell everyone that I am still around and show up on the site from time to time. Sorry I haven't really gotten back to many of you, I have just been really busy with other areas of life right now, predominantly school. Hope you all are doing well and if you really want to see more frequent posts from me you can visit my Twitter page or my Facebook page. If you don't have the information for those two pages just shoot me an SG email and I will send it your way. Hope to talk to you (or at you) all again soon! Oh, and here is just a little taste of what it is that I do that takes up my SG time... This is a typographic self portrait we have to do for one of my classes. Yep, its 100% made up of text. Enjoy!
...though it looks like the kinda art that would really freak out paranoid schizophrenics.