Everyone Meet Wally
The Homecoming...
Hey Everyone!
Meet Wally, the bunny I adopted from the rescue yesterday! He is the most fun and adorable to look at. Got to give a thanks to LiquidScience for even getting me interested in bunnies in the first place (they got theirs a while back and I have been thinking about it ever since). Also a thanks to him for a few words via email while making my decision this week as well.
Kas and I drove out to Richmond, CA (next to San Francisco) this weekend for a trip to check out the rescue and have a little fun in Sausalito as well. Then yesterday I drove BACK to Richmond to pick up Wally after a night of thinking it over.
He's such a champ and a happy little guy, not afraid of anything which is amazing for his history. From what I heard at the rescue someone found him dumped out in a field and brought him in. The rescue checked him out and he had some bad marks on his legs from either a cage or something like that (luckily those cleaned up and healed over). They also checked his teeth and noticed that he had Malocclusion, which is improperly aligned teeth. Bunnies teeth continuously grow and if they are unable to wear them down by chewing, due to malocclusion then they can become a severe problem and hurt the bunny as well as prevent them from eating. So they ended up having to pull his bottom two front teeth and file down the top two (which is ok because bunnies use their back teeth to eat and their front ones to pick stuff up). This means that we just have to cut down his veggies into thin slices so he can eat them easier. He may at some point in time need to have his upper two teeth pulled as well but when it comes at least he'll be in a good home with us.
He's just a major trooper and such an awesome little guy. After being at the rescue for a month its nice to see him come home with us and have a good family. He is an older bunny so they say he only has 4 or so years left but at least we can make those years the best ones of his life!
Enjoy the pics and more to come soon, as well as more posts hopefully when school ends in two weeks!
The Homecoming...
Hey Everyone!
Meet Wally, the bunny I adopted from the rescue yesterday! He is the most fun and adorable to look at. Got to give a thanks to LiquidScience for even getting me interested in bunnies in the first place (they got theirs a while back and I have been thinking about it ever since). Also a thanks to him for a few words via email while making my decision this week as well.

Kas and I drove out to Richmond, CA (next to San Francisco) this weekend for a trip to check out the rescue and have a little fun in Sausalito as well. Then yesterday I drove BACK to Richmond to pick up Wally after a night of thinking it over.
He's such a champ and a happy little guy, not afraid of anything which is amazing for his history. From what I heard at the rescue someone found him dumped out in a field and brought him in. The rescue checked him out and he had some bad marks on his legs from either a cage or something like that (luckily those cleaned up and healed over). They also checked his teeth and noticed that he had Malocclusion, which is improperly aligned teeth. Bunnies teeth continuously grow and if they are unable to wear them down by chewing, due to malocclusion then they can become a severe problem and hurt the bunny as well as prevent them from eating. So they ended up having to pull his bottom two front teeth and file down the top two (which is ok because bunnies use their back teeth to eat and their front ones to pick stuff up). This means that we just have to cut down his veggies into thin slices so he can eat them easier. He may at some point in time need to have his upper two teeth pulled as well but when it comes at least he'll be in a good home with us.
He's just a major trooper and such an awesome little guy. After being at the rescue for a month its nice to see him come home with us and have a good family. He is an older bunny so they say he only has 4 or so years left but at least we can make those years the best ones of his life!
Enjoy the pics and more to come soon, as well as more posts hopefully when school ends in two weeks!

My life changed that fast. The easiest tearing of a band-aid ever. Just a big "fuck" and it was over.
I've been waiting for the next phase in my life to begin, I just didn't know this would be it. So here it is, and I'm rolling with the punches, because really that's your only option, right?
Miss talking to you more frequently. Hope you are well.