Free Time
Wait what IS that????......
Not really too much of an update, more of a gripe or bitch session. Gotta get it out though. I need a fucking VACATION... bleh.
Whats on my plate today and tomorrow - Design 4 two-page magazine spreads w/ corresponding event posters for class (not even on a semi-interesting subject, well at least not one I can gather alot of needed material for), take a self-portrait sketch and convert it into a typographicly built image, and lastly for work touch up/photoshop over 100 photographs for my photographer by friday morning (oh and the other assignments are due today).
This is all after already busting out midterm papers and 50+ preliminary sketches for the posters and magazine spreads above, as well as other art history work, and day to day activities including planning for my move at the end of the month.
Fuck this, who wants to do my homework?!!!
Enough bitching from me, I can't really complain because the money that will be coming in from the photo work will be good and school is school (and there for a reason). I just don't think I will be doing the NON-STOP schooling like I have done for the last two years now... Maybe no more summer terms for me. I just would really like to work on a FUN project for ME right now yet have little to no time to do it. Maybe I'll buy a new camera after the extra money starts coming in so I can take back up my photography fun (also need to buy my new computer FINALLY).
Im rambling again. Sorry for empty posts lately, I will be back soon enough with more exciting information. Oh, and here is a song that I have had on repeat for a while now (always with the repeat I know, and don't talk shit Rihanna is 1) Hot as Hell and 2) a pretty good artist (production work by Timbaland and Justin Timberlake who both seem to be producing some pretty decent stuff lately). Dont hate!
Rihanna - Rehab
Hope to see you all back in chat soon too!
OK ONE LAST VIDEO (because this band is fucking BAD ASS). The video is kinda funny with the freeze frame zoom's they do! But the song, the song fucking rocks.
The Black Keys - Strange Desire
Wait what IS that????......
Not really too much of an update, more of a gripe or bitch session. Gotta get it out though. I need a fucking VACATION... bleh.
Whats on my plate today and tomorrow - Design 4 two-page magazine spreads w/ corresponding event posters for class (not even on a semi-interesting subject, well at least not one I can gather alot of needed material for), take a self-portrait sketch and convert it into a typographicly built image, and lastly for work touch up/photoshop over 100 photographs for my photographer by friday morning (oh and the other assignments are due today).
This is all after already busting out midterm papers and 50+ preliminary sketches for the posters and magazine spreads above, as well as other art history work, and day to day activities including planning for my move at the end of the month.
Fuck this, who wants to do my homework?!!!
Enough bitching from me, I can't really complain because the money that will be coming in from the photo work will be good and school is school (and there for a reason). I just don't think I will be doing the NON-STOP schooling like I have done for the last two years now... Maybe no more summer terms for me. I just would really like to work on a FUN project for ME right now yet have little to no time to do it. Maybe I'll buy a new camera after the extra money starts coming in so I can take back up my photography fun (also need to buy my new computer FINALLY).
Im rambling again. Sorry for empty posts lately, I will be back soon enough with more exciting information. Oh, and here is a song that I have had on repeat for a while now (always with the repeat I know, and don't talk shit Rihanna is 1) Hot as Hell and 2) a pretty good artist (production work by Timbaland and Justin Timberlake who both seem to be producing some pretty decent stuff lately). Dont hate!
Rihanna - Rehab
Hope to see you all back in chat soon too!
OK ONE LAST VIDEO (because this band is fucking BAD ASS). The video is kinda funny with the freeze frame zoom's they do! But the song, the song fucking rocks.
The Black Keys - Strange Desire
damnit bobby, put your clothes back on, wow holy jr. high flash back zamn i think i may have to go to the salvation army and assemble and outfit
i know she is freaking the cutest ever!! We wanted a big smart dog to take with us camping. I think Layla is just what we were looking for.