...erhm, well yesterday really.
Hey Everyone -
Just a quick update! Glad everyone loved the Stogie video, and out of good fun I went ahead and make a quick second video to go along with the first for your enjoyment as well (ok really for my enjoyment but whatever

...and for those that missed the first video
So... today was a damn good day. Here is the list of things that happened that just made me smile:
1) NEW CONTRACT. I had a "starbucks" meeting with an incredible photographer from the area who asked me to be a digital photo editing consultant of hers. The pay is amazing, I can do it whenever or wherever I want (including San Francisco), and she will never be in short supply of work (she has been overbooked by 12 weeks for over 2 years now and is considered one of the leading photographers in her area of expertise). All I will be doing is touching up and adjusting her photographs to make them more presentable (similar to what the SG photoshoppers do here).
2) CHECKS CHECKS CHECKS. I always love to see checks in the mail and I just got another one for some other contracted work I did on the side.
3) A "POSSIBILITY" FOR A SAN FRAN AREA ROOMIE. Yeah, a lead and an option which is always nice to think of. Who knows what will happen for sure but its nice to see that I might still be down there in the timeframe I set up.
4) SUNSHINE. It's just been an amazing few days with all the sunshine. I've been getting up (or staying up) really early to go on walks in the park with Stogie and I just loooooove the morning air. It really gets my day going.
Yes, I will be picking one of these up on June 29th if they have one available. The reason this is a good thing today is that I was able to break my 2 year phone contract with T-Mobile without having to pay the extra $200. For some reason my area of service was outside of their coverage window . Apple also released a 20 minute video detail the functionailty of the phone in its entirety. I'm a gadget geek so this will be all thrills when I get it.
Sooo... thats really it for the good news. I know its all pretty simple stuff but thats how I roll. I am easily made happy. Only one kinda-sorta bummer this week and that is that SCHOOL STARTED AGAIN!!!! Ack, so much for really getting a vacation. I am gonna need one really bad at the end of this semester for sure. Still really hoping us PDXers are gonna do our camping trip but we will see.
OK, and on a closing note I have to say again that I am really really falling in love with the American Apparel design sensibility. They keep things so simple and so beautiful thats its hard not to catch my eye. And in reality its the girls that do it for me . I totally have a thing for the all natural beauty that they show... the photographer is all amatuer and the girls are all just simple employees (for the most part). Pictures like this make me wanna just chill with the girlie on a Saturday morning and do absolutely nothing but relax and enjoy each others simple company... erhm and maybe have saturday morning sex, I mean come on you have to.
hmmm..... or maybe I just have a thing for girls in knee high socks.
Alright, hope everyone is having a great weekend and I'll talk to you all soon. Time to go get some motha fuggin Donuts!!!!