Edging for new things...
Hey Everyone - This is kind of an update just for the sake of an update. Not much new going on because my free time has extended with school being out. Yet for not having to do school work my social life hasnt really grown much, lol. But thats kind of nice... I really needed the peace and quiet (which came at a great time seeing it is that I have the house to myself this weekend).
So here I am... Stogie at my side just relaxing... thinking about doing more design work, picking up on some skills that I have slacked on (Illustrator vector art, etc), listening to music, talking to friends, organizing finances, dreaming about California, thinking about reading a book for a change, and so on. It's kind of funny how much you can fill your head with useless or filler thoughts when not having any real plans... its kind of like my body is use to running in overdrive so it has a hard time slowing down. Though it will only be for a short time before the schedule picks back up.
So hmmmm... whats new with me, or what has peaked my interest this last week?!
Of course you all know my affinity for poster design (which it seems good design has slowed for the summer months lol). Well here is my new poster love for the week. GREAT design, though someone told me it reminded them of an American Apparel advertisement (which I see as a compliment because their ads are brilliant and simple). It's a simple design for the new movie Good Luck Chuck:
Alot of people don't realize it at first or even second glance but take a closer look at the image.... Hopefully you'll see the humor in it. Did you look? Did you see it? Well if not here is a little hint:
Anyways, love the idea and execution there.
Lets see... other than that, I realized I am now hooked again on a Daft Punk fix. I have been playing their Discovery, Human After All and Musique albums over and over again this week. I just love this shit! And yes as some of you know I am a concert virgin (well a few concerts that I don't count I've been to) and I am really starting to think that I would love to go see them as one of my firsts but it looks like it may be a while before they are back in the states again. When they do arrive I will be there for sure.
I got caught up watching some concert footage of them at Coachella and their fucking stage presence and stage set-up was UNBELIEVABLE! I would have loved to have been there. Here is an image and clip of there set at Coachella:
And still, lol if anyone wants to buy me the pure black Daft Punk helmet then right here is the link. Awe, come on its only $65K plus paying for the rights from Daft Punk themselves. They are fucking cool though lol.
Well I'll leave you with that for now, and maybe one more video... Yeah I have also been listening to a few classic songs as well and here they are:
Alright talk to you all soon and keep your eye out for more design work... I'll be busting it out shortly.
Anyways if you want to check it out, it's far from finished as far as explanation/content are concerned, but here it is: Bview. Let me know what you think. I want a better background image, but that's more of a nitpick thing I'm not going to worry about for now.
Feel free to review any B movies (old or new) or write any articles related to B movies (I plan on doing one on whether or not the "infected" in the 28 days films are zombies or not as well as one on why Fargo is not properly represented by the movie).
I'm going to post drinking games too, partially cause movie drinking games are one of my favorites, but mostly cause I think a lot more people will find the site by goggling "<b movie> drinking game" as apposed to "<b movie> review"
Yea, I can see investing in a domain of it's own if it got big enough, for sure.
Any movies you want to review would be awesome considering that we're seriously lacking on content. Consider me less your boss and more your partner. Leethal, too!!
Also, I want to do an about the Bviewers section, so if you want to throw together an about me thing, that'd be awesome. You can check out the about me on Riz World for ideas if you want.
And any design help would be awesome!! I like the site so far, but there's quite a bit more to do for it obviously! I want people to come to the site and think "Wow, these guys are pros" for sure!