The Rounder
How was your weekend?...
Hey Everyone!
Sorry I haven't been around much or responding back to journal entries or be in chat like I normally do. Part of that is due to being sick (getting over it thankfully) and other part from keeping busy with other things. The weekend has flown by and Sunday is upon us already. I got home an hour and a half ago from a Poker Night I was kinda dragged to. Can't say it wasn't fun, though there was alot of unfamiliar faces. LOL, its nice to see cute girls though vying for a little attention from the new face. Though cute girls and all I kinda missed being able to talk to a certain person that I've been missing for a little while now
Anyways, I ended up not losing my ass two bad... only lost $2 which is nothing. The games were light and capped off so that it was a fun party and people weren't too serious or competitive which always makes it more fun. And OMG, there were some fucking chefs there! I've never had such a great selection of food to choose from... I'll be back for the next poker night just for some good company, good laughs, and good food.
Lets see what else... Ooooh, someone AWESOME actually gave me an invite to a freakin' fun website that is in its BETA test stages. It's called and its just a fun way to get to know new people by making up games and earning points... more interesting that my simple description can really explain.

It's a closed BETA. BUUUUUUT, I do get invites on occasion so check with me and I might be able to send you one. I'm sure it will open soon if they decide to take it off the ground.
Tonight (Sunday) I will be going to the PDX Film Festival to see a documentary film on a Graphic Design subject. The film is titled Helvetica (after the typeface) and is an ode to its use in design throughout the decades. The director as well as David Carson, a well known incredible Graphic Designer, will be there to speak after the film as well which might be interesting. Anyone in the Portland area that either likes Documentaries or is into Graphic Design that might want to go just holler at me and we can meet up. I already posted the info in the PDX group and have had a few responses.
Oh and lastly I haven't been accepted into the SG San Francisco group yet which I still believe I need a voucher in their forums to be admitted. So anyone that is in San Fran that knows me well enough to vouch and wants to do so feel free lol
And because I always like to close with a video, here is a song that has been stuck in my head since I watched the movie Deja Vu a few nights ago (not too bad by the way, iffy at spots but interesting). Just continues to prove that I will have a life-long love for the Beach Boys' music.
The Beach Boys - Don't Worry, Baby
Talk to you all soon,
oh and PS - I will be working on more banners, etc this week so keep your eyes peeled.
How was your weekend?...
Hey Everyone!
Sorry I haven't been around much or responding back to journal entries or be in chat like I normally do. Part of that is due to being sick (getting over it thankfully) and other part from keeping busy with other things. The weekend has flown by and Sunday is upon us already. I got home an hour and a half ago from a Poker Night I was kinda dragged to. Can't say it wasn't fun, though there was alot of unfamiliar faces. LOL, its nice to see cute girls though vying for a little attention from the new face. Though cute girls and all I kinda missed being able to talk to a certain person that I've been missing for a little while now

Anyways, I ended up not losing my ass two bad... only lost $2 which is nothing. The games were light and capped off so that it was a fun party and people weren't too serious or competitive which always makes it more fun. And OMG, there were some fucking chefs there! I've never had such a great selection of food to choose from... I'll be back for the next poker night just for some good company, good laughs, and good food.
Lets see what else... Ooooh, someone AWESOME actually gave me an invite to a freakin' fun website that is in its BETA test stages. It's called and its just a fun way to get to know new people by making up games and earning points... more interesting that my simple description can really explain.

It's a closed BETA. BUUUUUUT, I do get invites on occasion so check with me and I might be able to send you one. I'm sure it will open soon if they decide to take it off the ground.
Tonight (Sunday) I will be going to the PDX Film Festival to see a documentary film on a Graphic Design subject. The film is titled Helvetica (after the typeface) and is an ode to its use in design throughout the decades. The director as well as David Carson, a well known incredible Graphic Designer, will be there to speak after the film as well which might be interesting. Anyone in the Portland area that either likes Documentaries or is into Graphic Design that might want to go just holler at me and we can meet up. I already posted the info in the PDX group and have had a few responses.
Oh and lastly I haven't been accepted into the SG San Francisco group yet which I still believe I need a voucher in their forums to be admitted. So anyone that is in San Fran that knows me well enough to vouch and wants to do so feel free lol

And because I always like to close with a video, here is a song that has been stuck in my head since I watched the movie Deja Vu a few nights ago (not too bad by the way, iffy at spots but interesting). Just continues to prove that I will have a life-long love for the Beach Boys' music.
The Beach Boys - Don't Worry, Baby
Talk to you all soon,

oh and PS - I will be working on more banners, etc this week so keep your eyes peeled.
I love poker night!
Sounds so fun, My sister bought some extra seats for all africa poker tournament and now that they are sold out she is holding a little tournie on sunday to win the seats, she is very clever. She will make a profit on each seat she bought enough to pay for her own. So on sunday I am helping her out-- handing out chips etc. fun fun fun.
So anyhoo I am glad you are feeling better, I am feeling a little under the weather myself.
Have a rocking weekend..