Love it or hate it, it is what it is...
Hey Everyone.
Just a quick update to clean out the old journal and test this new SG system... who knows, we always bitch about change then accept the differences just in time for the new version to come out... I'm gonna give it a few days to see if the kinks get worked out. Kinda sucks not being able to put an image up in your heading like last time but oh well.
Anyways as always, you all know I LOOOOOOVE poster design... I ran across these sets today which totally stimulated me for some ideas of my own. I love the El Camino de los ingleses color sets and their interplay between soft colors and the black in the shadows. Also great use of clean typography (another one of my loves so far). Anyways its a beautiful set, don't know much about the films themselves except that their english title is Summer Rain, but when the spanish is translated it says "The English Road" and that it is directed by Antonio Banderas. Here are the designs for those:

and here is another combined poster design
I love how they are bringing back elements of classic poster design nowadays as seen in this set... the rounded corners, simple color schemes, reduction in typography, just simple yet beautiful... lol I know I totally am a design geek, but you gotta love it .
The second color schemed set that I enjoyed is from the new film The Lookout. I reaaaaaaaaalllly love it when they do this style of photography (or digital editing). It's almost a surreal effect, maybe even a painterly color effect in a way... you probably have no clue what I mean. The colors "pop" and make the image almost look unreal or plastic in a sense. If anyone knows what or how they do this please fill me in... I am dying to learn it myself and it could come in handy in the future. Great use of typography as well on this set:
Ok so thats it for poster design. I've been procrastinating majorly from school work, but I find it hilarious that when I do procrastinate I end up just going back to other forms of design to keep my attention.
Oh and for all of you who HAVEN'T seen Grindhouse yet, here is a taste of the faux trailers they have in the film.
And ONE MORE for you who love Rob Zombie film's, here is a classic he is recreating with a twist:
I will definetly be seeing that one just for the hell of it... honestly have yet to see one of Rob Zombies films but I am pretty sure they are good. And thank you Mr. ZOMBIE for keeping shit scary like it should be.
OK folks long update I guess, thats all for me. Stay Classy San Diego... erhm yeah, that just slipped out.