Changing the Tone
Update for the weekend...
Hey Everyone -
Just some new stuff to clear out my last journal... Love this design from one of my contemporary favorite designers out now named Ryan Waller. He was featured in PRINT magazine's March/April 2006 edition. This image just cracked me up and as stated in the article its a great page to see people turn to, giggle, and then flip quickly before others see them gawking at it... a response that good designer sometimes love to give because it will evoke a response that will linger in the mind for a period of time.

"Do you like to Do It Yourself?" - Andy from the 40 Year Old Virgin
Anyways, this reminded me of a side project/study I am doing on my own time about retro porn movie posters... seriously some amazing work has been done in this very small category of design. It also feeds my passion for Explotation and B Movie poster design right now.
On another note its NEARLY time for me to buy that new computer I have been holding off from doing for months now... Adobe suprisingly released their Creative Suite 3 (CS3) product line which was one of the main reasons for me to wait. Now the programs will run natively at faster speeds without having to run Rosetta Stone for the mac (because of the new universal mac processor). OMG, I nearly get a hard on from seeing the new CS3 line and its added interactivity. Now the only thing I am waiting for is Apple to release their OSX Leopard operating system so I dont have to buy that later on down the road... Though if they take too long to release it I will definetly get too antsy and have to buy the computer now. For you who havent heard me babble about the computer I am buying here it is: Mac Pro Tower.
OK enough babbling from me for now... Here is a clip from a movie you should all see if you haven't already (Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny). This is called Master Exploder... let it BLOW YOUR MIND!!!!!!! lol.
Yeah the girl who mouths "I Love You" is totally my girl Isla Fisher who I wrote about quite a few journals ago.
OH, and I fucking want the Green Dragon Guitar that Gass plays at the end:
Update for the weekend...
Hey Everyone -
Just some new stuff to clear out my last journal... Love this design from one of my contemporary favorite designers out now named Ryan Waller. He was featured in PRINT magazine's March/April 2006 edition. This image just cracked me up and as stated in the article its a great page to see people turn to, giggle, and then flip quickly before others see them gawking at it... a response that good designer sometimes love to give because it will evoke a response that will linger in the mind for a period of time.

"Do you like to Do It Yourself?" - Andy from the 40 Year Old Virgin
Anyways, this reminded me of a side project/study I am doing on my own time about retro porn movie posters... seriously some amazing work has been done in this very small category of design. It also feeds my passion for Explotation and B Movie poster design right now.
On another note its NEARLY time for me to buy that new computer I have been holding off from doing for months now... Adobe suprisingly released their Creative Suite 3 (CS3) product line which was one of the main reasons for me to wait. Now the programs will run natively at faster speeds without having to run Rosetta Stone for the mac (because of the new universal mac processor). OMG, I nearly get a hard on from seeing the new CS3 line and its added interactivity. Now the only thing I am waiting for is Apple to release their OSX Leopard operating system so I dont have to buy that later on down the road... Though if they take too long to release it I will definetly get too antsy and have to buy the computer now. For you who havent heard me babble about the computer I am buying here it is: Mac Pro Tower.
OK enough babbling from me for now... Here is a clip from a movie you should all see if you haven't already (Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny). This is called Master Exploder... let it BLOW YOUR MIND!!!!!!! lol.
Yeah the girl who mouths "I Love You" is totally my girl Isla Fisher who I wrote about quite a few journals ago.
OH, and I fucking want the Green Dragon Guitar that Gass plays at the end:
LOL, and that is all...
yes, that is miss GH.
Lovely pic. DIY man, DIY!!