Hey everyone! Here is another update by me, probably gonna be alot again lol. Just feels good to get this stuff out of my mind as well as show you all a little more of my passion for design and film love.
First, did another quick design today when I got bored from homework:
And just to give you guys an idea of how or what I start with here is the beginning image I used... just a really shitty phone cam pic I took today while out on the road.
And now onto two new films that I was just giddy to see pop up while doing my normal trailer check... Both of these are gonna be great!
Air Guitar Nation (clicking on poster will take you to the better quality trailer)
OK... You can't tell me that you don't want to see this bad ass display of Air ROCKIN' prowess! Melting faces my friends... melting motha' fuckin' faces!
(Alternate Poster Design)
Day Watch (DNEVNOI DOZOR) (clicking on poster will take you to the better quality trailer)
OMG.... I have been waiting for this film for a long time now! I LOOOOOOOOVED the Night Watch film and its incredible use (proper use too not overdone) of special effects and amazing creativity in subtitle design. And here they are with the second installment... leave it to our Russian filmakers and film companies to take more risk than the dollar may allow (meaning they could lose money if the film gets too far out of the "target broad market" range) and come up with creative content in the film as well as in its marketing. While searching for the poster designs for this film I stumbled across a billboard advertisement that was unique and absolutely stunning. Here are some examples of the alternative design work:
And of course don't want to forget the trailer:
I really wish more american films took the risks that a director like this was willing to take... I mean he really captured a sense of comic book vision in the shots, storyline, and almost every other essence there is to the film. Sometimes that creativity gets stunted in the states due to overwhelming demands on ticket sales... the sad thing is I tend to believe tickets sales will be there and that sometimes they overthink the grasp of what a large audience will get. For example... Just finished watching Rocky Balboa and yeah it had some good parts but it lacked a little of the overall ROCKY flavor that we all loved originally... in the special features Stalone said he toned down the styling because he wanted it to be acceptable to the audience of today... he wanted it to be more real so the public would accept it. That means a shortened fight scene which in the end seemed uneventful in a way. His idea was that Rocky was a movie of the 80's and the 80's were all about excess... BIG HAIR, BIG MONEY, BIG ACTION etc... and he is very right. BUT, that is the essence of Rocky that captured us in the beginning. Would you rather see Rocky fight Mr. T (a well known figure of the 80's) in a big brutal and long enduring match that you know isnt real in the end or one that is more realistic, short, and indecisive? I know what I would pick... anyways IM MAJORLY RAMBLING...
Well thats all from me for now, talk to you all soon.
(PS - San Fran here I come... I sooooooo can't wait)
2 yea single is so nice, when its not trouble