Back to the Beach
Feels like i'm a kid again...
Hey Everyone! Thanks for the comments on my Warhol design. I went with the red one and it did come out very well. Always good to have outside feedback on that stuff.
Anyways, I've been feeling weird the last two days... and not in a bad way. It's like when you got butterflies in your stomache as a kid when you were about to go on a field trip or summer vacation was about to start up. It's an absolutely amazing feeling that I haven't felt for YEARS. I dont know if its the fact that summer is around the corner and the weather is looking bright, if its that I might be moving to San Fran which will give me a new start and some fun and excitement, or if its that special person I get to enjoy conversations with every night. It could be all these things. Either way what an amazingly rejuvinating feeling, so much energy is coursing through my veins right now.
LOL anyways, in honor of being a kid at heart I have really been loving some of the classic beach stuff I loooved in elementary school. I've always been a beach boy at heart lol. There is something so freeing, invigorating, powerful, and sensual about the beach and the waves. Here is a freakin greaaaaaaaaaaaat 80's song I used to ALWAYS love as a kid:
WIPEOUT - The Fat Boys
LOL, and of COURSE I would be doing a great disregard for a movie I watched ALL the time as a kid if I didnt give the proper shout out to BACK TO THE BEACH:
SURFIN' BIRD - PeeWee (Back to the Beach)
...yeah its a cheesy ass movie but thats what is so great about it, lol. Gotta love the end credit song too:
OK enough with that, back to school work for me. Talk to you all soon!
Feels like i'm a kid again...
Hey Everyone! Thanks for the comments on my Warhol design. I went with the red one and it did come out very well. Always good to have outside feedback on that stuff.
Anyways, I've been feeling weird the last two days... and not in a bad way. It's like when you got butterflies in your stomache as a kid when you were about to go on a field trip or summer vacation was about to start up. It's an absolutely amazing feeling that I haven't felt for YEARS. I dont know if its the fact that summer is around the corner and the weather is looking bright, if its that I might be moving to San Fran which will give me a new start and some fun and excitement, or if its that special person I get to enjoy conversations with every night. It could be all these things. Either way what an amazingly rejuvinating feeling, so much energy is coursing through my veins right now.
LOL anyways, in honor of being a kid at heart I have really been loving some of the classic beach stuff I loooved in elementary school. I've always been a beach boy at heart lol. There is something so freeing, invigorating, powerful, and sensual about the beach and the waves. Here is a freakin greaaaaaaaaaaaat 80's song I used to ALWAYS love as a kid:
WIPEOUT - The Fat Boys
LOL, and of COURSE I would be doing a great disregard for a movie I watched ALL the time as a kid if I didnt give the proper shout out to BACK TO THE BEACH:
SURFIN' BIRD - PeeWee (Back to the Beach)
...yeah its a cheesy ass movie but thats what is so great about it, lol. Gotta love the end credit song too:
OK enough with that, back to school work for me. Talk to you all soon!