Today is brought to you by the Number 2
Right now it is 2:30 in the morning a I am sitting in a near empty apartment completing my big move for the weekend. I am still going on 2 hours of sleep from the last 2 days and waiting for 2 more loads of laundry to be done before I box them up and take them over to my new place. Stogie is curled up at my side and I realize this is the last real good one-on-one play time we will have for a few months so I broke out his favorite toys so he could give the house one more victory lap before it is goodbye. This place was nice and I have quite a few fond memories here, I guess I can call it the transition house since alot of either brought me here or taken place here. In a few hours the year will turn over and a new path will be waiting for me. Sorry, I may sound torpid right now and it may be due to the hour and wearyness from moving today. I promise to be back by the new year to liven things up a bit again. I miss you all and will talk soon.
PS - When the clocks stricks to form a new year I will be raising my cup to all the friends I have made here in the past year and toasting to many more years to come in our friendships.
Right now it is 2:30 in the morning a I am sitting in a near empty apartment completing my big move for the weekend. I am still going on 2 hours of sleep from the last 2 days and waiting for 2 more loads of laundry to be done before I box them up and take them over to my new place. Stogie is curled up at my side and I realize this is the last real good one-on-one play time we will have for a few months so I broke out his favorite toys so he could give the house one more victory lap before it is goodbye. This place was nice and I have quite a few fond memories here, I guess I can call it the transition house since alot of either brought me here or taken place here. In a few hours the year will turn over and a new path will be waiting for me. Sorry, I may sound torpid right now and it may be due to the hour and wearyness from moving today. I promise to be back by the new year to liven things up a bit again. I miss you all and will talk soon.
PS - When the clocks stricks to form a new year I will be raising my cup to all the friends I have made here in the past year and toasting to many more years to come in our friendships.