Definition of Geek:
A geek is a person who is fascinated, perhaps obsessively, by obscure or very specific areas of knowledge and imagination, usually electronic or virtual in nature. Geek may not always have the same meaning as the term nerd.
More Than Meets the Eye
Hey everyone! OK, so its been a while and I'm still sort of busy but here is a little taste of what I have been geeking over this week... I had many favorite cartoons and toys as a kid but only two relly took up most of my childhood time; He-Man and Transformers. And as we see it showing to be hot in Hollywood these days, once again they have taken another one of my childhood favs and revamped it for the next generation. A month or so ago I was absolutely stunned when I stumbled upon the trailor for Transformers while normally browsing the trailers at Apple's website.
Directed by Michael Bay (The Rock, Pearl Harbor, etc) and blessed by Steven Spielburg and his team at ILM (Industrial Light & Magic) I believe this movie has a good potential to be great. I mean, I'll love it either way just for the sheer fact that these are my homeboys from back in the day! I'm really hoping that they saved a spot in the film for my favorite Autobot Blaster (who was a ghettoblaster), but I highly doubt it. Anyways like always, I did some web hunting and found a few different little behind the scenes pieces that you guys may enjoy:
Fan Inspired CGI Work of Optimus Prime
K, so this isn't actually anything from ILM but it shows you the potential that a large screen company like ILM has comparitive to the great work this fan came up with. This was thought to have been a leaked clip from the studio but those rumors have been disproved.
ILM CGI Transformer Screen Test Footage
This is official screen testing footage that is probably pretty old but shows the concept they are coming out with. These screen tests are usually done in video of sometimes film and given to the effects team to make concepts to sell the "Big Wigs" on.
BumbleBee Redesigned
Yep, BumbleBee is no longer the volkswagon bug the way we used to remember him. He has been revamped to fit a new generation of viewers. Alot of geeks aren't happy about this but I say it's fine and may be a great idea. They did keep a good concept with the fact that BumbleBee will start out in the film as a 67 (or 76) Camaro and be fixed up during the film to look like the new Camaro. I think its a good fix for him myself.
Anyways so I'm excited to see what they do with it. Check out the Official Transformer's Movie webpage for frequent updates.
Also a couple more things I suggest checking out:
Brick - Great freakin movie. Just rented it from Blockbuster because a good friend of mine from GeekDrome recommended it to me. Its very reminescent of film Noir. A great pick and I laughed quite a bit through it as well.
Blankets: The Graphic Novel - I haven't been able to read all of this yet but it is definitely a book that I think anyone could enjoy. Yeah its a comic book but it's more of a comic book for people who don't like comics. Read this and it will continually tug on your heartstrings.
and Finally Ask A Ninja.com - I really hope that everyone out there already knows about these short video podcasts... If you don't - SERIOUSLY - take a few minutes out of your day and check them out. He is fucking hilarious. I love me some podcasts.
Alright everyone thats all from me for now. I promise to work up some better stuff in the future. Feel free to tell me if there is anything that you really prefer to hear from me.
Keepin it real,

Maybe thats what I should do.............hmmmmmmm.......getting him in my bed (or wherever is convenient